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This Week

Wow! We can not believe it is already June! It really doesn't feel like summer with all of the classes we are taking!
Well this weekend we had a fun time looking at houses. We have in mind a fixer-upper, and the ones that we saw were definitely that! The first house was totally too much for us to even consider, and the second one was actually cute, but needed a new roof. Also, both of the houses were in a flood plane. So really, we got even more of an idea of what we are looking for and where we need to go to find it! We enjoy looking, though, so we are not discouraged that we haven't found the right place yet, especially since we still have plenty of time. We are in no rush to start house payments anyway! : ) We know that God will lead us to the place he has for us if we'll only be patient and go where he leads us!!
Let's see, other than houses, we really haven't been up to much. Only 8 more school days left of this summer session, hooray!! Zach is taking classes all three summer sessions, so he has only 2 more sessions to go (haha. I'm making it positive)! I am taking a 2 week class during the next summer session that is 5 hours each day, so that should be fun...not! But at least I will get that class over with quickly!!
Alrighty, I guess we are just boring and too busy to have any fun news to share! If we think of anything, we'll let y'all know! Have a great week!


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