Bells are ringing, and children (well, usually me actually) are singing, soon it will be Christmas Day! 11 days to be exact! Wow, it seems like last year's Christmas was just here!
In good old Kentucky/ not so great Indiana, Nathana is enduring the very stressful week of finals. She did get her Literature Focus Unit done and turned in today, so that's like the weight of the world off of her shoulders. Only 3 more finals to go and she's FREE! Looking forward to a nice 3 week or so break! She will still have to work, but the daycare's numbers will be so low during the next two weeks, she won't have to work every single day.
Zach is still at Mickey D's and has found out that he may not be going to the lineman class until February OR APRIL! It is getting frustrating because they keep telling him a date and keep pushing it back. The lady in charge is about to get a call from a stressed bride demanding her future husband not be away at school when he is supposed to be getting married!!!
Any how, we are getting in the Christmas spirit and I think each year I realize more and more how much Christmas means to me. How amazing to think if you were Mary, and found out you were a virgin who was pregnant! I just could never even imagine it! She and Joseph had so much faith, so it makes me feel a little bad when I won't hand over even the small worries I carry around to the Lord. I'm trying though, and I hope he doesn't get tired of all the school work he hears about. In times where this is the "Holiday" season, we're keeping ours the CHRISTmas season!
We'll have lots of Christmas pictures from this year coming too! We're celebrating with Zach's Mom's side on the 19th, his dad's side on Christmas Eve, with my family and my mom's side on the 25th, and then with my dad's side on the 26th. It's our first time collaborating on holiday events, and I'm so glad it's worked out that we can get everywhere! I feel so blessed that everyone lives pretty close to one another. Next year we'll be celebrating Christmas as a family united in marriage, and I can't begin to express in words how thankful, blessed, and EXCITED I am for that. I really do think I am the luckiest woman in the whole world and just need to remember that when circumstances are trying to dampen my spirit!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Love, Zach and Nathana
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