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Spring Break 2014

Over Winter Spring Break, the temps were not awesome, but it was still a great week.

On Mon & Tues, I babysat my same three kiddos that I always do!  We watched Frozen both days, sang all the songs from it, Mary Poppins, and The Sound of Music, made sugar cookies, perler beads, played, acted, colored, and made "projects" as Ben called them.  Let me tell ya, I have not seen a kid more obsessed with perler beads since my siblings and me!  He made 6 shapes on Tuesday.  I wish I had a pic, but he made 5 turtles that were each a member of their family and then a Kitty that he said was me!! : )  I love that child.  We had tons of fun, but I was definitely ready for bed those nights! Ha!
I actually cooked on Monday night, but Tuesday night we went to Qdoba!

On Wednesday, Nellie had her well check-up with the vet.  I had given her a bath the night before, which she naturally hated, and then took her to the vet, which makes her little self sweat ever since they had to give her a shot when she was sick.  (They said it burned a lot, and she remembers. Poor baby!)  So, anyway, we got in the truck and she was all, "Yay, we're going places!!  I love this!  Mama, you're the best!  Thanks for taking me with you!"  until we pulled up the vet and got out.  Then she was more like, "You. suck."  We went in and she got weighed  (never bad for her) and then were ushered into the "cat" room.  I joked with the tech that Nellie was so pitiful because she was offended by the room.  Nellie started pacing the floor and whined every time she heard another dog, and when the sweet, sweet tech, whom we LOVE came in, Nellie rolled over beside me and just laid there pathetically.  It was funny/sad at the same time.  Nellie did perk up when the tech offered her some treats.  We both decided Nellie was putting on a good show!!  haha!  The tech commented that she just loved Nellie and her sweet personality.  There was also maybe something about Nellie being the best beagle ever, but I already knew that! ; ) Again, I digress.  The vet came in, gave her her bordatella nose spray and examined her body and her ear that has been so gross.  The vet also commented on Nellie's timidness when Nellie cuddled up on me when she walked it.  It was just too funny! They had to run a test which confirmed that our sweet girl had a nasty yeast infection.  A good chunk of money later and we were on our merry way with her new drops and Nellie yelling "Smell ya later!" I also did discuss switching Nellie's food with the vet, and decided that we are going with Nutro Lite, which will hopefully help Nellie feel more full and lose the last couple pounds she needs to be the healthiest little gal we can have.  (She weighed 25.6 lbs as of her appt. Wed, which is 1.4 less that when Zach and I weighed her a month ago.  We had already tried to start cutting back on excessive food and treats!) So, we're hopeful with this food, which she can eat more of, will set her on the right track for weight loss!  I can't lie, though, as a last unhealthy hooray! we went by Donut Bank and got her a Donut Ball for being a very good girl at the vet!

Wow, do I get a prize for using Nellie's Name 20+ times in that paragraph?  I'm just a proud Mama who likes to document! ; )

At lunch I met up with my friend, Vicki, at Little Italy and we had a scrumptious lunch and chatted.  After that, I went home and took a glorious, much needed 1.5 hour nap.  I almost powered through and cleaned, but it was supposed to be a "break," and I figured I'd earned it the two prior days!  Haha.  So other than the vet and lunch, I was highly unproductive on Wed!

On Thursday, my Mama and Mama Joyce came over and we went around Evansville shopping for things I might want (Read: I picked out) for my birthday!  (Which is now just 9 days away! Ah!)  We had good ol' Chick-fil-a and then I got to hang out with Zach and go to BWW for Boneless wings Thursday for supper.  We hadn't gotten to go there in a long time, but his night class was canceled and I was free of course!!

On Friday, I finally stuck my little nose to the grindstone...well, after I went and got a choc. chip bagel for breakfast!  By 9:30, I was cleaning like a fool in our bedroom.  I did 6 loads of laundry, cleaned the floors, refolded and organized our two chest of drawers and the closet and armoire.  I also picked out my clothes that I don't need/want anymore to donate to our churches yard sale they are having.  I cleaned out under the bed, our bookshelves, and the tops of the chest of drawers.  It took all. day. long.  Buuuuuuut, the end result left me in love with our room all over again.  It's amazing how much better one feels when everything is clean and organized!  Pretty sure Zach thinks I'm a little OCD, because when he got home I started begging him not to mess it up! Hehe!  I also cleaned in the kitchen, bathroom, and living room.  My sister will be so proud! Ha!  Friday night we went out to Bandanna's for supper (see a trend in our week?   We were so bad about eating out!) and took a walk down by the river in Newburgh.


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