Alright, Zach and I are entering into the world of blogging since a few of our family members have them! Yay! It seems like it is a great way to keep in touch with everybody and let them know what we are up to as we keep on going through school and plan our life together!
Zach's 20th birthday was yesterday, so we celebrated with his family on sunday by going to a "bow shoot" where they go around shooting bows at different targets and get scores. Not my kind of thing, but I like to watch him! He had lots of fun though, and he beat his dad!
Our next big adventure is getting through summer school! : ( I have theater and an education class for 4 hours everyday, and he has a business class for 3 hours everyday, so it's kind of a drag. After class I work until 5:30, so the days seem incredibly long!! Zach is still working at Gander, but only a couple days a week! I think that's about all for today! We'll try to keep everybody updated on stuff!
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