Well, today marks the end of the second week of our summer classes!! Only three more weeks to go! At this point I'm not so much exhausted by the work of the classes, but more of having to physically be there for 4 hours every day. I guess I've gotten into the routine of having classes either on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, or Tuesday and Thursday instead of everyday. Also, my theater teacher talks until noon everyday when class is scheduled to be over at 11:50. So pray that these next three weeks will be manageable and that I have not "bitten off more than I can chew." On the other hand though, I really enjoy my 8 am class. It is technology in education and we do lots of searches using the internet, and are learning lots of things that will enhance our teaching in the future! I'm not quite sure how Zach's summer class is going. He mostly has a lot of reading it sounds like, but I think he is finding it fairly tolerable. We just ask everyone to remember us prayerfully as we press on through school. It's not always enjoyable or easy, but as we know, the things most worthwhile are the ones that you must work the most hard for.
On another note, last week we had many visitors to come and visit my grandma, Mama Joyce who fell on mother's day and broke both of her wrists! My cousins Lauren and Nekayeh along with Norah Kate, my newest little cousin : ) came from Tennessee, My Aunt Melody and cousin Wesley came from Alabama, and my Aunt Lynn came from Arkansas. Even though it was the middle of the week, I went home to see everybody and got to spend some quality time holding Norah Kate and talking to her!! The pictures are at the top, because I don't know how to get them down here! Oops! That's another thing. I need help figuring out this whole blog thing! If anyone has any advice, it is more than welcome!! But continuing with Norah Kate... Zach didn't get to come over and see her, but he is very excited to meet her the next time she comes!
Today is also special to us because 400 days from now will be our wedding!! People keep saying that it will just fly by and be here before we know it, but it doesn't quite feel like that yet. Some days it seems sooo incredibly far away and others we think, "Wow it's only such and such days." It's funny how even since getting engaged, we continue to learn new things about one another that we never knew. It also brings up a lot of topics for discussion. While Nathana's Uncle Reid was up here visiting he wanted to give her some marriage counseling. haha. He said a couple must agree upon 3 things: God, Money, and Babies. We realize that this is very true and ask that God lead us in this journey up until our big day, and then through every day after that, that we have enough money and good sense to spend it wisely, and to give us no more babies than we can handle! : ) So we just wanted Uncle Reid to know we think about what he says!
That should just about do it for tonight I think. If there is anything else I think of that was just really important I'm sure I'll post it later!! Oh, Suzanne is going to the State Track meet in Louisville for Pole vaulting tomorrow, so pray that she does awesome!! Maybe we'll have pictures from that to show!!
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