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Mama Joyce's 80th Birthday AND Engaged 1 year~

Hello, Everyone! For those of you who didn't know, my Grandma, Mama Joyce, turned 80 years old this February 21st! We had her a huge party and all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins got to come up for it and a we had a great time!

Mama Joyce with her favorite granddaughter! (haha)

Mama Joyce's cake (That thankfully she didn't have to make for herself!)

Mama and Daddy

Zach and Nathana

Ross and Sarah

Mama and her older sister, Lynn (Aunt Lynn)

Nekayeh, David, and Norah Kate

Uncle Reid trying to show Norah Kate his "expressive eyes" (Although I think Norah Kate has the real expressive eyes!) : )

I tried to get pictures of everyone, but Lauren and Jamie must have evaded me! We all had a great time and I'm so glad we got to see Norah Kate! (Not that everyone else is chopped liver, but she is AWFULLY cute! : ))

Also, Mama Joyce's birthday marked 1 year since Zach asked me to marry him! Since we didn't have a blog last year when it happened, I'm going to re-post the story here so that I'll have it when to reference when I'm too old to remember! : ) Hope ya'll enjoy!

February 21, 2009

It was my grandma, Mama Joyce's birthday, and Zach and I had spent the night at my house because we had been skiing the night before. I thought maybe something was up, but at around nine that night, we headed back to school as normal, and I had figured if he was going to ask me anything, he would have done it at my house, so we could tell my parents.

So we got back to our apartments at USI, and I went to my room to put on some pajama pants, then down to Zach's room to hang out. When I got back he asked what I wanted to do then I responded, " I don't know, it's doesn't matter." And he said that we could do ANYTHING. Now, this is just a running joke between us, but I joking said, "Well, let's get engaged. " And then I laughed, because I was joking. But I soon found out Zach was not. He looked at me very seriously and simply said, "Okay." Then he got down on one knee and said, "Will you marry me?" (In my mind I realized he wasn't kidding because he said he would NEVER get down on one knee until he was asking to marry me. I asked him to always show me what it would like several times and he gave me that answer.) And I think I just said, " But you don't have a ring." To which he replied," What if I did?" Before he even got the ring out, I exclaimed "Yes" and he reached over to his coat and pulled a ring out of one of the pockets. My hand flew over my mouth and I think I jumped up and down.

Zach and Nathana at Paoli Peaks where Zach had originally planned to propose.

Us at Mama Joyce's 79th birthday party, the night Zach proposed, just a few hours before it though!

Unfortunately and very uncharacteristically of Nathana, she didn't have her camera with her the second Zach proposed, so she settled with just getting a picture of herself after she became engaged! : ) (She didn't sleep much that night!)

Now a year has flown by and we are under 4 months away from the wedding, and I can't wait to be your wife, Zach! The Lord has given us so much love and respect for one another and we are so excited and ready to see what our future holds for us as we start our life together!

This post has taken me forever and I have a big Chemistry test tomorrow, so I had better say goodnight!


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