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Ten on Thursday

1. We have had a very busy week! I have not had a "do nothing" day so far!

2. Nellie has been difficult lately! I told Mama today that if dogs have terrible twos, she isdefinitely in them! Hopefully things get better soon. The worst is her whininess in the mornings and her not always listening! Sounds like a puppy, right?!

3. Last Saturday Suzanne and I went shopping for clothes for me to wear when I teach. We got GREAT deals at New York and Company! I got 3 dresses, 2 skirts, and 1 top. Suzanne also got a dress. It was a very successful shopping trip!

4. On Sunday, Zach accidentally left his phone at Mama Joyce's, so we drove back to the north side of Henderson after just leaving it! Haha, isn't that just how it goes sometimes?

5. Monday was a day full of cleaning and washing clothes! The cycle never ends! Suzanne and I also made a special trip to Target to get the 3rd season of The Office since it was on sale!

6. On Tuesday, Mama, Mama Joyce, Suzanne, and I went to visit Aunt Lynn and Uncle Reid at Vanderbilt in Nashville. My uncle just finished chemo last week for AML, a form of leukemia. We also took my Aunt Lynn out to lunch, because it was her Birthday! We pray that the God gives the doctors and nurses treating Uncle Reid wisdom in all they do. His nurse seemed especially nice, so I feel he is in good hands.

7. I finally got to sub for my teacher that I student taught with yesterday. I was so ready to see the kids and they were ready for me too! One of my girls said , "When Mrs. Daub said you were coming today, my eyes nearly popped out of my head... And I screamed too!" hehe, see why I love them?

8. After school on Wednesday I was running around from store to store trying to get ready for Zach's Birthday dinner. After I finally get through all the chaos, we just decided it would be easier to go out to eat so that his parents, sister, brother-in-law, and niece could come. (we would have had it at our house, but despite all my cleaning efforts, there is still a lot of junk to put away!)
Anywho, we ate at Shyler's and Zach received more parts for the gun he is building. I also got him the barrel to the gun, but it is not here yet. (of course.) I don't think any present I have ever ordered him has gotten here in time for the occasion! He still had a very Happy Birthday though, and I sure am glad we got to spend it together!

9. Today I got the oil changed in my car, go me! Yes, this is for you, Mama! I also mowed at Mama Joyce's.

10. Zach was too full last night to eat the birthday pie I got for him, so we baked it tonight and Ryan and Kayleigh helped us eat it... And it as Sooo yummy! It was a Dutch apple pie for any of you who were wondering! (bought, I might add. I didn't have time to make one!)

Well, that's all for now, it's nighty night time!


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