There was a little puppy girl named Nellie. And when she was good, she was very, very good.
See what I mean?
See what I mean?

But when she was bad, she was horrid.
Exhibits A, B, and C. I should have known she would pull this crap after Daddy leaves the coop for work. Oh Nellie girl, you really ought to think more before you take action...

If you look closely, in the grass lie the little mesh bags that held the clumps of dirt. Apparently Nellie found them tasty.

This was after our Come to Jesus talk. Can't wait to have those with real children (not!). I think she was actually begging the Lord for forgiveness as she sat in her kennel. Pitiful, right?

This is after I tried to reassemble the plants she ripped, dragged, and tore apart. Zach planted all of these for our garden.

Nellie should be quite glad that her Daddy is at work and was not the one to catch her doing this. I have a feeling that she will still get punished by him when he gets home!
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