So posting my ten on Thursdays has crossed my mind a million times in the last two weeks, it just hasn't made itself a #1 priority thus far! Sorry, but I do have pictures to make up for it! : )
Let's start with Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful day with both sides of Zach's family. We went to his Aunt Tammy's house at lunch time. I am not big on Thanksgiving foods, which I probably mentioned before, but I do like corn casserole, mashed potatoes, and lots of pretzels with rolos melted on them. I did not take pictures, but everything was beautiful and delicious.
Later that night we met Zach's Aunt and Uncle at Cracker Barrel. We were honestly still stuffed to our gills, so I ordered a side of hashbrown casserole and was good with that! This was the first "big" holiday without Grandma Scheller, and I don't know if it felt less real since we were at a restaurant instead of her house, but it still doesn't seem real. When someone is doing so well and then circumstances change so quickly, I guess our minds just take a really long time to wrap around it. I'm not sure that makes sense, but I think that is how we are feeling!
At our Cracker Barrel in Evansville there is a pretty big pond/lake where many geese and ducks live. They are pretty well conditioned to when they see people they think, "OOH, Biscuits, bread, must swim fast!" So we ended our night feeding them and watching them fight over the crumbs! : )
Then we did just about the craziest thing we've even done together. I had mentioned there being a few things that we wanted from Wal-Mart or Target on Black Friday, and the sales started at Midnight. So what do we little geniuses do? We get to our Wal-Mart around 11:30, and our jaws dropped. We had to park out in the far, far, far away lot that you know no one ever has to park in. Then, we proceeded inside, where I'm sure fire codes were broken. You could barely move in there! We looked around for about 10 minutes, abandoned an item or two in an aisle, (don't judge, that's like the first time ever!) and got the heck out of there. It was even before midnight when we cruised by our Target on the way home and chuckled at all the cars. Can we say never, and I mean, NEVER doing that again? Cause I mean it! There's just no sense.
So then we got up around 9:15 the next morning and went to the mall and Chick-fil-a. Zach had to head to work and I got to Target, where I actually found a few things on our list! I have to say though, the store looked like a tornado came through!
Since that weekend, we've had two busy weeks of school, with Zach gearing up for finals and me praying for Christmas Break. I promise I am not tired of my kids, my mind and body just need a little break! Zach had his engineering final this past friday (Dec. 9) and has his Calculus final tomorrow followed by his Chemistry final on Tuesday. We would greatly appreciate your prayers that God would allow Zach to effectively use all the knowledge he has attained this semester! We'll let you know how they go.
Last Sunday (Dec.4) I started to feel bad with a scratchy throat, congestion, sinus pain, etc. Well, by Wednesday, which was supposed to be an enjoyable half day of school, I was dying! I worked another half day Thursday and then Zach and I spent 6, yes 6, hours at the doctor, then hospital, and then, Dr. again. I was to the point if they had said cutting off my head would have made me feel better, I would have said, "Go for it!" After checking me out, the doctor thought I had pneumonia in my left lung so I had to go get blood work and chest x-rays at Methodist! You can imagine our delight! (haha) Turns out, it wasn't pneumonia (which was a huge praise!), but they weren't sure what was wrong. 5 prescriptions and $100 later at the pharmacy and we were finally home. I wish I could tell you I felt all better, but my head still feels like it could explode, so pray I get through at least tomorrow, and preferably the whole week alright! I just feel yucky!
Yesterday though I was able to wrap 24 presents for Mama Joyce while Zach got to take Nellie rabbit hunting. He was so excited because he bought her a dummy to put the rabbit scent on and he had been hiding it around the house for her to find. To my surprise, she found it every time. Zach couldn't even hide his excitement. He was praising her like crazy and enforcing the behavior with lots of treats. I think she was pretty proud of herself as well. When they went hunting, he even said she stayed on the trail of a rabbit for a little while. They also got one rabbit yesterday, but Zach said that Nellie wasn't even aware of the rabbit when he shot it! Ha! I guess they just have to keep working at it! They do make an awfully cute hunting pair though!
Last night we got to keep our niece while her parents went out! We had a blast and I have a picture or two I will have to post from my iPod touch. We went to Fazoli's and had supper, which Aubrie was so excited about. Then we came back home and she got to play with Nellie, whom she loves very much. I am pretty sure Nellie shot me a couple looks though that said, "Please, Mama, make is stop!" ; ) I think Nellie was just really tired from the aforementioned rabbit hunting! We also make brownies, during which Aubrie declared, "I really am such a big helper!" which I had to agree with! She was just having so much fun! Even when Zach and I were half asleep during our movie, she was bouncing around to the music and eating popcorn. It reminded us of all the energy we're going to need to keep up with her and our own!
Today we didn't go to church since I was still feeling so crummy, but we did eat lunch at Mama Joyce's and take our pictures for our Christmas cards! Here are a couple, for your pre-view pleasure!
Mr. and Mrs. Zach Scheller. This is our 5th Christmas together, which is a little hard to believe! I look forward to many more, though!

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