As of today, it's been 3 weeks 4 days since Nellie's surgery, and believe me, all 3 of us have been counting! We have still had to carry her up and down the stairs for pottying, while on the leash. She's been on strict cage-rest, but we've let her lay with us on the floor and couch some too. On a couple occasions in the past week, she's jumped on the couch, and then we put her in the kennel. I feel terrible when she does it, but thankfully it hasn't happened much. The first week she was still pretty calm, but these last two weeks she is like a pent-up energizer bunny. We have to work hard to get her to walk, not jump up, and to stay quiet. As I type, though, she is sacked out next to me on the couch. We can't wait for her re-check appointment when she will be released to normal activity. I'm betting Zach will be the most excited, as he doesn't like having to take her out on the leash! Haha!
Now, for the little lady of the
hour month...
My fur is growing back! |
Laying on my Bitsy blanket from my Mary Ruth! (It was her dog, Bitsy's!) |
With my Daddy on Father's day! I got him his Kentucky Hunting License! He says I'm the BEST! |
Feigning pitifulness... not for the weak! |
Umm, yes? Hello, Gwandma? Nana? Ya'll need to come rescue me from Mama. She won't stop taking my picture! |
Oh my, her Daddy had too much Dairy Queen! |
Sitting pretty! They both look a little irked, though! |
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