I have a note on my phone typed up about the night we found out about BS #3, so I will also post that soon. For now, enjoy my 14 week bumpdate! : )
How Far along: 14 weeks
Baby's size: navel orange
Weight loss/gain:none
Sleep: Waking up to go to the bathroom about once a night.
Gender: As soon as we had found out, I thought boy, but the longer I've been sick and throwing up, I think maybe a girl. Reid says without a doubt he's having another baby sister and he won't talk about a baby brother!
Movement: none yet, but with Savannah it was around this time, so I'm hoping it will be soon!
Best Moment of this week:Only throwing up once! Haha!
Looking Forward: My next dr appointment in less than 2 weeks!
Food cravings: Ice cream tonight. I have NOT wanted many sweets these past 11 weeks.
Anything making you feel sick or queasy:Apparently Chef Boyardee spaghetti and meatballs that Zach suggested I eat! Did NOT end well. Zach ran behind me and closed the bathroom door before I started throwing up.
Symptoms: Vomiting, that's about it!
Dr. Appt: 2 more weeks
Workouts: Painting rooms!
What I miss: Not feeling sick.
Things that stink: Not having energy to make it through the day without a nap!
Things that don't stink Growing our sweet baby! Realizing that we are going to be a family of 5. I actually still don't think I've fully wrapped my head around that.
Labor signs?: nope
Mama's Thoughts: I am feeling a little unhappy with the weight I started at, but am happy that for these last 11 weeks I've lost some weight.
Daddy's Thoughts: Zach is excited and nervous.
Baby: Who knows what's going on in there?
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