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One Year Later...

... and we've learned so much.
We have....

learned that you have to compromise, especially when one person wants the covers tucked in and the other doesn't.

learned that the "D-word" in our house is dishes!

also learned that dishes are something that are best shared... with the other person trying their hardest to find an excuse not to do them.

learned that the ceiling fan can be turned on and off multiple times during the night, but the true victor is the one that steals the covers when they are cold because they are too tired to get up and turn off the ceiling fan.

learned to lean on God to help us strengthen our marital bond. There are so many times that he has answered our prayers. It is evident in our daily lives of the love he has for the both of us, and we try so very hard to share this love with others, but I know we are definitely still in the process of learning how to accomplish that.

learned that coupons don't mean you're poor, they mean you are a smart shopper.

learned that it is best not to go to bed angry. Not just in the event you die in your sleep or something crazy like that, but more so because I've found I can't sleep a wink any how until I have put my anger to rest first. Trust me, Zach's ears can testify that I make sure all is right in
the world before I will let him sleep! : ) Hehe.

learned that there are little things in everyday life that just don't matter. If I don't get the laundry folded the second it is done drying, it can wait. I'd rather have the moment I get to spend with Zach laughing about what happened with my students at school that day.

If my house isn't spotless, but is still clean, I can be happy as well. I doubt at the end of my life I will be wishing I had cleaned more instead of spending time with my husband. (Because the good Lord knows we do not clean together.)

learned that money truly is nothing when you are incandescently happy. (Thank you, Pride and Prejudice.) Seeing as we didn't have oodles of money our first year, I was thankful to God for every cent we had that provided our necessities. I can honestly say our greatest concern this year was monetary. And then, we handed that last worry over to the Lord. He has provided for our every need, and not once have we been unable to obtain something we needed. Oh, how sometimes I would feel I was so unworthy of the care my heavenly Father had given to us, but I am so very glad he has. His love endures, and I very much hope we are pleasing him in our daily lives and marriage. I know he wants us to be happy, and I can report that I have never been happier in my entire life.

I come home to Zach and although we may not be just silly about each other daily, I sometimes just lose it thinking about how happy, full, and complete he makes me. There are days I want to squeeze him to death because I love him so much. Other (less often) days, I want to peep his Tom (this is where you pull the hair up on the back of the neck. It is a tender area and does not feel good. My Papa had it perfected!) because of small things he has done. (And hey, there are sure to be plenty of days he feels the same way about me. I am definitely not always a ray of sunshine!) : ) I know though, no matter how we feel day to day, ultimately we adore one another, and there is no one that I would rather share my life with.

I look forward to coming home each day and cooking supper for our little family.

I like to look around our house and think of all that we have already done to make into our first home.

I love to fall asleep next to my husband after dreaming about it the almost 3 years we dated before we got married.

I love thinking about the first time I got to introduce myself to a stranger as "Nathana Scheller" and remembering that I nearly burst open with pride and happiness of being a new wife to my husband. I love going out and getting to use the words "husband" and "wife" in relation to Zach and I... even a year later. It still feels new, and I insist that we are still newlyweds, even though Zach says we don't really count as that anymore.

I love the way my students call me Mrs. Scheller not knowing that I didn't respond immediately because I still listen for "Scott" as my last name.

I love that when I am crying for no reason, Zach will hold me and pat me on the back while saying, "There, there, Sweetheart," in the voice that I can not go a day without hearing.

I love that he thinks I am nosy, when really, I just need to know these things.

I don't love that he has a terrible memory, but I do love that he relies on me to remember significant and insignificant things for the both of us.

I love the way he gets excited about hunting season, but will not tell me that is what he is excited about. He makes me guess, because according to him, I leave him guessing several times a day. (Haha?)

So, in case you can't tell, Zach and I are so incredibly thankful we have one another. We can not imagine our lives without one another, and in having each other, we are complete. I love every day that I get to spend with him, and I can not wait to see what all our future anniversaries will bring!

I love you, Sweetheart! Happy First Anniversary!



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