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Ten on Thursday

1. Friday I covered a 5th grade class in the afternoon. Let's just say that Friday was a loooong day. I know every grade is different, but you wouldn't believe the difference between even 4th and 5th. Whoa! I was perfectly content returning them to their teacher!

2. Friday afternoon Zach went hunting so Nellie and hung out and did dishes and a little laundry. When Zach got home we had broccoli deer braids for supper. Yum! Then we were uncharacteristically spontaneous, changed out of our pajamas, went to Target, bought 2 pints of ice cream, and the movie, "Just Go With It." Which is hilarious, by the way! It was such a great night to simply relax as a family.

3. Saturday morning we slowly and eventually woke up, loaded up Nellie, and went to my Mama and Daddy's. We dropped off Nellie and went back to town to look at Memories, an Antique shop in Henderson. Each year, the owner's mom, who is in her 80's (I think) hand makes ornaments with old jewelry, materials, or whatever else she wants. Suzanne and I have bought them for a few years now, and I was wanting to see if she had put them out yet. She was just pulling out the new ornaments as we walked into the store! (As Zach said, probably jokingly, "It is fate!") I picked out a gorgeous pink one and Suzanne and I are going back next Saturday for their Country Christmas.

4. When we got back to Mama and Daddy's we headed to set up our new deer stand. It took a while to put together, especially considering we got the seat and foot rest mixed up and didn't notice until they were both bolted down. (In case you're wondering, they were exactly the same, but one had two holes on the edge of it, and one only had one.) It was kind of frustrating. Daddy came to help Zach actually attach it to a tree, because I have a feeling Zach didn't want to depend on me holding up the ladder. ; )

5. I then mowed for Mama Joyce where a GINORMOUS spider landed on my arm. Therefore, I began incessantly screaming, while jumping off the lawn mower. I swiped it off my arm, stomped it into an oblivion, and then realized my shin was throbbing. I pulled up the leg of my pants and I already had a knot on my leg. Zach thinks I'm dramatic, but I promise I almost had a heart attack. Quite literally. Mama Joyce said she could hear me screaming from inside the house and if there were any passer bys, I'm sure they enjoyed the show. My leg still smarts from the incident.

6. On Monday, we went to Chick-fil-a for supper. For one of the first times ever, the fries were pretty burnt, so I was pretty disappointed. That never really happens though, so I'm sure they'll be good next time.

7. At 3:00 on Tuesday morning I woke up feeling just sick. It was like I had to throw up and my stomach just was in knots, but I never did actually throw up. I eventually got back to sleep after about an hour and a half. I got up at my normal time and went to school, but could only make it until lunch. I took a half day and just rested and felt some better on Wednesday.

8. Every morning Nellie tries to jump in bed with Zach before I leave for work. Sometimes he lets her stay and others he has me put her in her kennel. Lately when he rejects her and I tell her to "Go to kennel," she runs out into the living room and will just jump up on the couch or chair and just stare at me like she is saying, "Oh, don't you worry about putting me in my kennel, I'll be just fine right here!" It is so funny to watch!

9. Elizabeth and I went to Panera Bread tonight and I got the soup in the bread bowl for the first time. I brought home to remnants of the bread bowl for Nellie and she LOVED it! I was hilarious to watch her eat it, because she kept rolling it around and sticking her nose in it. Wish I had pictures of it!

10. Tomorrow is Veteran's Day and we are having a special program at school. I think it is so important to teach our students why it is important and to appreciate all the men and women who protect our country day in and day out. I hope we all take a few minutes tomorrow to pray for all our veterans and service people, including all of their leaders who carry such tremendous responsibilites.


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