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Thankful Thanksgiving Thursday

This year I'm giving ya'll the top 22 things I'm Thankful for, since I am after all, 22 years old!

1. I am in constant thanks for the life I've been given through Christ dying for me with the promise I can spend forever with him. I am so undeserving, but he loves me anyway.

2. I am so very thankful for Zach. God has given me a best friend, confidant, and husband. He is so kind to me, loves me, and makes me laugh. He keeps me in check when I get a little crazy and holds me when I need to cry. I am so blessed to call him my husband, and I love getting to spend time together.

3. I am thankful for our Nellie Girl. We are so blessed that we decided one day to get a dog, and that God set aside Nellie for us. She is such a stinker sometime, but she has my heart, so she rarely gets in trouble. She's my little companion when Zach is gone and she is always willing to howl when she fears trouble is around. (Which is usually just her imagination.) She makes anyone she meets smile and we've gotten so many comments about how friendly she is.

4. I am thankful for my Mama. I haven't been easy for her even before I was born. Then when I did get here, I was a sickly little thing, and I guess we should be thankful I only have allergies and asthma to worry about now! (Ha!) Each year that I get closer to becoming a Mama, I'm amazed that should could raise 3 of us and not lose her mind. Here's to hoping I can do half as well!

5. I am thankful for my Daddy. Some little girls are just born Daddy's girls and I think I am classified as one. He has adored my every move, and all I could ever think is that my Daddy is the best man in the entire world. Once I got older, I got to be his hunting buddy, and he got to see me shoot my first deer ever. He didn't even fuss after a while if I couldn't contain my sniffing in the cold. (Remember, allergies!)

6. I am thankful for my brother and sister, Ross and Suzanne. Without them I couldn't claim to have the infamous "middle child syndrome." Think of them as the chocolate cookie, and I, as the delicious creme filling in the middle. Beautiful picture, huh?! Truly, I should be grateful for them, because I would have made a truly horrendous only child. (As would have either Ross or Suzanne.)

7. I am thankful for my Mama Joyce. Not many people's Grandmas get to spend as much time with them as she has with Ross, Suzanne, and I. And for one second, I've never taken that for granted. I was so very, very lucky that we got to be with her and Papa while our parents worked. Their house is truly a second home. I even joked with Mama Joyce that if she wanted, Zach and I could move in with her when we got married. She assured me that I would want my own house. (She lived with her in-laws for, well, I'm not sure, but decades.) Haha. Mama Joyce taught me to bake, cook, sew, and I'm still waiting on a recipe for roses. (The ones that go on the top of cakes!) I am sure Zach is thankful for that!

8. I am thankful for my Mama Grace and Grandaddy. I don't think I deserve it, but they think the world of me, and I love all the memories that I have of visiting them over the years. I know it can be hard to not be close in distance, but we have always squeezed every ounce of enjoyment out of the times we do get to be together.

9. I am thankful for my cousins. We are lucky that we have gotten to spend so much time together through the years. We are also blessed for Norah Kate and Lexie, who can't help but make everybody smile when they are around. Thank Heaven for little girls!

10. My Mother and Father in law. God could not have given me a better "second set" of parent through marrying Zach. When I married him, I got a great package deal. They love me so much and I know how much they love Zach. They would go to the moon and back for either of us, and I am just so blessed to be a part of their family!

11. My Sister-in-law, Jess. For starters, I wouldn't be an aunt without her. But that's not the only reason. Second of all, she's giving us a nephew! (Which takes the pressure of us having a bebe off for a while! ; )) I kid, I kid. She has treated me just like a sister, and for that, I'm so thankful.

12. Our niece, Aubrie. She is silly and goofy, but oh so sweet. She also is a shameless "Uncle Zach's" girl, which I have to say makes me knees wobble a little when I see them together. I love that they love each other so much. Not to say that she doesn't love moi, "Aunt Fana." I usually am requested as her sit-by person at meals, which also, yeah, makes my knees wobble! We love her so much! We also can't wait to see her in action as a big sister in March!

13. I am thankful for Zach's family. He has such a loving family that has readily accepted me into their family. What more could I ask for?

14. Our home. At my school there are children going through the unthinkable of not having a place to live. I can't imagine having that worry as a kid and still having to work hard in school. I am so thankful we have a nice house that leaves us wanting for nothing, even if I sometimes complain about its size or flaws.

15. I am thankful for my education. I don't know where on earth I would be if I hadn't gone to college. #1, I would have never met Zach, which is unthinkable! Even if I forget everything else USI gave me, I'll always be grateful that's where we met. #2, I don't think I will forget all I learned, and I hope I'm a better teacher from allllllllll those classes. (All 156 hours of coursework!)

16. The internet. It helps link me with my family that I don't see or talk to everyday. It is also an outlet that yes, I waste a considerable amount of time on! hehe.

17. I am thankful for my Aunts and Uncles. All of them have been excellent influences upon me. With two aunts as teachers, I have gotten many, many books and lots of good advice. Then there is of course, my Uncle David who married us last June. I wouldn't have had it any other way! It was truly a family affair and was so special! And let us not forget, my Uncle Reid, who you will read about now, on numero 18!

18. I am thankful for modern medicine. As you know, my Uncle Reid was diagnosed with leukemia this summer and has been undergoing treatment at Vanderbilt in Nashville, Tennessee. He had his stem cell transplant in September, and is almost through his 100 days there. He and I have always been close as he always loved "my expressive eyes" and he once let me put make-up all over his face at Christmas, which thrilled my 6 year old self to no end. So, I am so thankful for those smart doctors out there that are working hard to get him better! I love you very much, Uncle Reid!

19. I am thankful for my job. Loge is a wonderful school to work, and I couldn't be prouder to say I am a teacher there. I have a wonderful principal (even though he loves to taunt us when we're doing bus duty and it's cold) who supports his staff 110%. All of my fellow teachers are so supportive and great at guiding me when I have (multiple!) questions. I am thankful for each and every one of them!

20. I am thankful for my students. They make me laugh, they make me think, and sometimes the things they say can throw me off and rock me to my core unexpectedly. I know some people in my job would grumble about being an aide rather than in an actual teaching position, but I feel that it is good for me to work with such a range of students and to get to know so many of them!

21. I am thankful for my freedom and the men and women who serve to protect it daily.

22. I am thankful for the 22 years, 7 months, and 14 days that God has given me on this Earth so far. I am thankful to him for all the gifts he has given and will give to me. Hopefully I will get to experience many, many more Thanksgivings surrounded by my family and friends!


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