The past couple weeks we have been trying to enjoy as much of summer as we can! I don't even want to think about school starting soon! We have gone fishing two times, gotten a new washing machine, done some shopping in preparation for our upcoming beach vacation (cue the hallelujah chorus), playing with our Nellie girl, going to the drive-in, Zach is helping lead an Engineering and Manufacturing summer camp at USI (Proud wife right here!), and I have been busy with summer camp field trips of my own!
I lied about not having a picture from the street party at our friends' house! And check out the awesome eye protection they pass out to everyone! Theresa wasn't kidding when she said there would be shrapnel!
Stylin' in my L.L Beans in the boat.
I held this fish at the veeeery last second of our fishing day and then scrubbed and scrubbed afterwards! (I'm allergic, remember?!) I didn't like the way it's mouth felt, but had always been curious as to what it felt like. I'm over it now, and I will relinquish that role back to my dear husband!
I had eyed this dress at Target a couple times and finally tried it on. Love the colors and style. I have really wanted a light dress that is more "every day" friendly.
We also went to the Mall for the first time in about 2 months, and I found these beauties for 65% off at Dillard's! I don't know what I'm going to wear them with yet, but you can't help but love them! (Or deny that they are very me!)
This is super blurry, but that's okay. We took summer camp to a backstage tour of the play Beauty and the Beast that the Evansville-Vanderburgh public schools were putting on. The tour guide had me put on the cupcake outfit so the kids could see it on. They got a real kick out of me being a cupcake, and I was pretty excited myself! (Elyse, I thought of you in this moment! : ))
Second fishing trip! This was my fish and Zach was impressed by it! (Sadly, fishy may not have made it due to it swallowing the hook really deep. Zach got the hook out by using forceps, but... it didn't look good for him.)
This little guy landed on me and sat for a good while. I actually had to blow him off my finger!
Nellie pretending she's small enough to sit on the back of the couch. She was pouting because I was exercising on the elliptical and not playing with her!
We got a great deal on this washer at Lowe's and couldn't have been more excited to have one again! For a month we went to either our parents' or Mama Joyce's to wash our clothes. Talk about being a burden! I bet they're all glad we got one as well! Ha! 
Nellie modeling the slap bracelet I made at summer camp. Promptly after this picture, she tried to eat it!
I lied about not having a picture from the street party at our friends' house! And check out the awesome eye protection they pass out to everyone! Theresa wasn't kidding when she said there would be shrapnel!
Stylin' in my L.L Beans in the boat.
I held this fish at the veeeery last second of our fishing day and then scrubbed and scrubbed afterwards! (I'm allergic, remember?!) I didn't like the way it's mouth felt, but had always been curious as to what it felt like. I'm over it now, and I will relinquish that role back to my dear husband!
I had eyed this dress at Target a couple times and finally tried it on. Love the colors and style. I have really wanted a light dress that is more "every day" friendly.
We also went to the Mall for the first time in about 2 months, and I found these beauties for 65% off at Dillard's! I don't know what I'm going to wear them with yet, but you can't help but love them! (Or deny that they are very me!)
This is super blurry, but that's okay. We took summer camp to a backstage tour of the play Beauty and the Beast that the Evansville-Vanderburgh public schools were putting on. The tour guide had me put on the cupcake outfit so the kids could see it on. They got a real kick out of me being a cupcake, and I was pretty excited myself! (Elyse, I thought of you in this moment! : ))
Second fishing trip! This was my fish and Zach was impressed by it! (Sadly, fishy may not have made it due to it swallowing the hook really deep. Zach got the hook out by using forceps, but... it didn't look good for him.)
This little guy landed on me and sat for a good while. I actually had to blow him off my finger!
Nellie pretending she's small enough to sit on the back of the couch. She was pouting because I was exercising on the elliptical and not playing with her!

We also went to the Drive-In Saturday night with Suzanne and her boyfriend, but I didn't get any pictures. We saw Grown-Ups 2 and White House Down. Totally different movies, but both were alright! We definitely liked the first Grown-Ups movie better.
I think that's about all we've been up to, but I am so thankful we still have some summer vacation left and that we have our awesome vacation coming up! I can't waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait! : )
Ummm I need that cupcake outfit! We are going to the drive-in tomorrow. I don't know what we are seeing, but that's never the point when you go to drive-in anyways!
ReplyDeleteExactly! I love the drive-in! I am so sad ours in Henderson is gone, because it would be soo much closer!