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Ten on Thursday on whatever day it is today....

I say that because this past week is pretty much a fog. We have been either asleep, working, at school, or at the hospital.

1. I will start off and just say the most important thing. Grandma Scheller passed away this morning around 2:00 a.m. Please keep us and all of Zach's family in your thoughts and prayers. Visitation will be Sunday with the funeral on Monday. We still don't know times, but should find them out when we see Zach's parents tonight.

2. We have taken Nellie on a couple walks this week. On both occasions she was terrified by other dogs running up to her. The first time it was 2 Golden Retrievers and the second time it was an ugly teacup chihuahua. It was so pitiful to watch her cower to the ground until I would have to scoop her up and carry her down the street! : )

3. Zach got his first paycheck from his new job today! Can we say "Hallelujah?" I am so proud of him!

4. Nellie has also learned a new trick. She now "shakes" hands with you on command. She prefers that you have a treat for her after she does it, but will still do it without reinforcement.

5. On Sunday we went to Lowe's and purchased some special stuff with a part of our tax return. We got a new refrigerator, gas stove, and a deep freezer. (The deep freezer was definitely Zach's idea!) We are so blessed to be able to get them because our others were on their last legs. I can't wait for Zach to get the gas line hooked up so I can cook our first meal on the new stove! I will try to take pictures of it soon!

6. Today was my second day of going to school with very little sleep. I casually told a boy in the cafeteria that I was "so tired!" He looked back and said concerned, "You look tired." Haha, thanks!

7. This was my last week officially teaching in first grade. Next week I will still observe, but do no teaching. Then it's on to 3rd grade! Yikes! I am sure if the Lord got me through first grade, he will help me cope with 3rd!

8. Zach found out he has to work a job away from home (just one night) next week. Regardless, Nellie and I don't like it! : (

9. Monday was Mama Joyce's birthday! We got to celebrate on Sunday with a yummy ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins! Happy Birthday again, Mama Joyce!

10. Our friends Jacob and Jenna recently joined the world of Blogging! Welcome! Watch out though, it can become kind of addicting. They are coming to see us over Jenna's spring break and we can't wait to see them!

I think that's all for now. At this point we are both so exhausted and emotionally drained I know we are only getting through this by God's grace. This entire week when I through everything was just too much to handle I would pray "God, give me grace, give me your grace." He gave me every bit of it that I needed, and I know he will provide it for us and our entire family in these coming days! I hope whatever any of you may being going through that you experience the same wonderful, comforting grace!

Zach and Nathana


  1. Hello Schellers!! How are ya'll doing? I havent talked to you guys in absolutely forever! I tried to find you (Nathana) on facebook and couldn't. I see that you and Zach got married last June!! CONGRATS!! I always knew you guys were gonna get married. You guys loved eachother too much! After I left USI, I became a Marine!! Crazy right?! I met the love of my life and my hubby at my first duty station (Iwakuni, Japan). We got married on June 11, 2010 in Hawaii!! It was perfect! Then, in November we found out that we are gonna be expecting a little boy this upcoming July! :) We are gonna name him Evan! We are still stationed out here in Japan until about September. It's been very hectic with everything that has happened lately but everyone is helping out little by little. I really miss you and Mallory! I'm sorry we didn't leave our freshmen year on the best foot but I really do miss you girls and pray that you are all doing well! I hope you, Zach and both of your families stay safe! -Rachel


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