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Ten on Thursday

1. I am home from school today sick with what Zach likes to call the "creepin' crud." I thought it was Strep, but alas the Dr. said it wasn't. Thank you, third graders!!

2. Zach's truck quit on Sunday. He got a new battery and put it in and it worked fine Monday. Then on Tuesday morning he woke up and it wouldn't start. So I have been getting up early, taking him to work, and then coming back home to lay down for a few minutes before I head to school. Thank goodness he has this job now where they drive the box truck or van to jobs!! Hopefully we figure out what is going on with it soon.

3. This week a kindergarten class was walking by my room as I was putting up a bulletin board. One of the little boys extends his arm out and pokes me in the belly! It was funny, but oh so random and weird.

4. We are really praying that we get our tax return back very soon! It has our first-time home buyers credit on it that will help us out bunches!!

5. Nellie cracks me up. Whenever she sits on a blanket or towel she spins around multiple times, all the while taking her paws and pulling, pushing, and swishing it around. It is so funny and sweet to watch. Sometimes though, she does this for 5 minutes, and I have to ask her if she is done yet! Then she gives me her crazy cute stare that says, "Mama, you are nuts. I have nooooooo idea what you are talking about!"

6. Another funny thing Nellie did this week was on our bed. I had just laid down and was waiting for Zach to come to bed too. Nellie hops up on the bed and is cuddling with me. I saw Zach coming down the hall and so I said to Nellie, "Uh oh, Nellie, Here comes Daddy!" She leaped off the bed and ran under the couch. Good Girl! I have tried to upload some videos of her several times and have never gotten it to work. Anybody have guidance about that?

7. I am still working on my resume. I also need to get it done because I am going to a job fair in Union County on Saturday with our friends, Ryan and Kayleigh. I think Ryan's plan is for Kayleigh and I to impress his principal and get hired while he and Zach play with the Smartboard in his room! Pray that it goes well! I do not care what job I get, any job for now will be wonderful!

8. My birthday is less than a month away. I will be 22. Oh. my. goodness. It seems like just yesterday Suzanne, Ross, and I were running around at Mama Joyce and Papa's house. Our biggest concern was when 3:00 came, because it was snack time. : ) Or maybe if Mama Joyce had made a cake for somebody that day while we were at school, and if there would be three mini cakes waiting for us to decorate when we got home. I miss those days, but these days are good too, it's just different.

9. Speaking of birthdays, a certain husband of mine is having a birthday 2 months from tomorrow. He also will be 22. I would ask his comment about this, but I have a feeling all I would hear is how I'm older! : )

10. Tomorrow is Friday, my last day of school for one glorious week! I am trucking ahead with lesson plans today even though I'm sick because I want to do nothing school-related the whole week!

There are a couple more things I wanted to share, but I forgot them (of course) and it is a glorious day outside. I may just have to drag my poor self outside and take Nellie girl on a walkie!


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