Nellie's birthday was over a month ago, but it's been a busy month, so here are some pictures from her PINK birthday party.
This is the centerpiece of the table. Pink everything! I was loving it!
This was Nellie's cupcake. It had the extra dots because she chose to pull a cupcake down on Sunday morning when I was decorating. I snatched it back and made sure not to confuse it with everyone elses!
These are her "pup cups." We filled them with either puppy chow or your drink of choice. Elizabeth and I spent a couple hours making them! I think they turned out splendidly, though!
Nellie's birthday banner. Which I spent about 4 hours on by myself, and Elizabeth helped with for about 1 or so one day! It was beautiful though. (It's actually still up! hehe) Zach wants to know when I am going to take it down. Also, ignore our ceiling, we took down the ceiling tiles and have yet to refinish it!
Our sweet girl in her birthday outfit!
All of her gifties!
Nellie with her Aunt Suzanne. Who refers to herself as "Favorite Person" when Nellie is around. (The name is self explanatory!)
Holding Nellie as she dug into her "pupcake!" She loved it, even though I'm pretty sure her vet would frown upon us giving it to her! Shhh, don't tell!
Really getting in to it now! How sweet is her birthday hat! I made it as well. She wasn't a big fan as I made two seperate bands, one for each ear. It was hilarious to watch her shake it off though!
Sweet girl with her chicken. (RIP chicken, he hardly lasted a day. She chewed the heck out of him!)
Opening presents, at which she did a fabulous job! I couldn't believe how she would dig into the presents. I think she definitely knew they were all for her.
This shirt was from her Nana and Poppy! (Zach's parents) It says in glitter studded letters "Pick of the Litter." She certainly was! Although Zach loves to tell her that she was the only one left, so she wasn't! Haha. She doesn't care what he says, she loves him anyway!
Opening pork chomps from Aunt Elizabeth!
Birthday girl with her Mama! So stinkin' cuuuuuuute!
Nellie told me to thank Mama Ruth, Granddaddy Mike (I am making up these names as they refuse to be called dog grandparents), Mama Joyce, Aunt Suzanne, Aunt Elizabeth, Nana, and Poppy for coming to her party. She had such a fun time and after everyone left she kept running around looking for where all her guests went!
This is the centerpiece of the table. Pink everything! I was loving it!
Her party also got some of my overflowing party ideas out, but lets hope I'm still as crazy with our human kids! ; ) (Otherwise they may be a little jealous when they find out the dog had a better 1st birthday party than them!)
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