This is my 300th post!! Hopefully I have not been boring for all of them!! How about a little life catch up? Our weekends have been busy ever since September, and I don't see them slowing down any before Christmas is said and done. One might find this tiring, but I love knowing that there are so many people in my life that I want to do things with and that want to have me around!
My school weeks have been flying by. I am coordinating a program called Strengthening Families on Tuesday nights at my school and I look forward to it every week. I really feel like I am bonding with the families that come and that I am helping them. I love it!
Zach's weeks are busy as he works a lot of days and is going to school. A year from now he will be graduating and so much will change. I hate (well, not really) to get sappy, but I am just so very proud of him. I can barely put into words what him graduating will mean for our family. Two incomes, a move (Yay!), and many more exciting thing! I am terrible about wishing time away, so I truly am enjoying the time between now and graduation.
We've gone hunting a few times! |
Zach killed his first teal duck! |
Nellie has been her normal rotten self! |
I am making a gallery wall! Finished picture to come soon! |
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