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To start off, I must say that Zach and I are so so so incredibly spoiled. We must have been extra good this year! We got much more than we deserved but are very thankful for all we received. And in remembering that last year I took about 10 pictures, this year I was determined to do better and took about... 100! Haha, Here are some of the highlights! (Oh, and even though I took so many pictures, I didn't get my camera out at Mama Grace and Granddaddy's or at Zach's parents! I don't know what I was thinking. I know Zach's mom got some pictures though!)

This is Christmas Eve Night at Zach's Grandma Scheller's house. (Zach's dad's mom)

Here is Aubrie cheesin' it up for "Aunt 'Thana"
Here is Aubrie opening her present from Zach and I. A digital camera! She seemed to love it!

Let the picture taking begin!
As usual, Zach is not participating in the picture taking.
Aubrie was telling "Santa Zach" what she wanted for Christmas. She said. "A baby. A baby brother." Yikes, she may have to wait a while for that one!
I didn't even get a chance to sit on his lap and let him know what I wanted!

Zach opening a dirty Santa present.
Apparently he who opens the footie pajamas must try them on. Even if they are a size (or two) too small. (This is Zach's dad by the way.)
Sweet little girl! And favorite niece!
Testing out the dart guns. Which we played with for about an hour! Very entertaining while it was snowing!
Zach pleaded to open our presents to each other on Christmas Eve, and me being such a softy for my husband said yes. But I did tell him this is the only year that is going to happen!

Nellie "opening" her stocking. She was such a good little girl so Santa brought her some yummy Pork Chomps!
Zach opening his present.
It is a picture of an "A R lower" that I got for him. It didn't quite get here in time for Christmas so I just wrapped that up! He was very excited! (Oh, for all of us who don't know what that is, it's a part to a gun that Zach is going to build.)
Nellie and Mama on her first Christmas Eve! (Excuse her Mama for looking awful. We spent 6 hours in the car that day, so that is that!)
My new yoga mat from Zach.
My new 4 lb. weights!
Zach's enhancement on the name tag. Can you tell what he did to it? Soooo funny!
Hot pink thera-bands!
Pumping up my hot pink exercise ball! (Not as easy as it looks!)
Daddy and Nellie on Christmas Eve! I love them so much!
I love this picture! It showcases our Christmas Eve pajamas from Mama Joyce and adorable Nellie girl.
Nellie and Mama again. I know it almost pitiful how much I am crazy about this dog, but she is just too sweet!
Christmas morning! Our very first! : )
Cinnamon rolls homemade by Mama Joyce. All I had to do was bake them and make the icing.
Nellie's new coat from "Grandma" Ruth and "Aunt" Suzanne. At about the time this was taken she realized the coat was on her body! haha.

Nellie loving on Suzanne because of her doggy footsie pajamas.
Nellie's new personalized (and weighted) bowl from Aunt Suzanne.
Okay, so this was a big surprise. I shot this deer 2 years ago on November 9th. Zach and daddy were both with me and we were all excited! I had no idea that daddy was getting it mounted for me. We came into the house on Christmas morning and had probably been there about 30 minutes when Daddy asked me if I had looked around the room. About 30 seconds after that I saw this deer in place of my first deer and was very excited! (And impressed at how beautiful he still is!)
My pile o' presents from Mama, Daddy, Suzanne, Ross, and Sarah.
This is my new Willow Tree Nativity set featuring Mary, baby Jesus, Joseph, A shepard with 3 sheep, and a donkey. I can't wait to get to use it next Christmas!
Mama with the long sleeve t-shirts Zach and I got her.
Suzanne with the book we got her. We also got her a Terry's chocolate orange which I am sure is gone by now.

Zach's lovely coat from Mama and Daddy! (Sadly, it didn't fit and the store didn't have another in his size. Hopefully we can find a good replacement for it though!)
Daddy and his new trail cam from Mama!
Mama with her new pearls from Daddy.

Zach got a Sam's club Membership from Mama and Daddy.
Chuck: Season 3! I didn't expect to get it, so I was very happy!
The "kids" table at Mama Joyce's on Christmas day. I'm pretty sure mine and Jonathan's knees were touching!
Presents that evening at Mama Joyce's.
Zach got the TV special, Band of Brothers on DVD and was actually surprised by a gift for once!

Lexie on her new rocking horse from Mama Joyce! She is such a pretty girl!

She also looks at the camera so well! I was very impressed!Lexie with her Pops. (My Uncle Reid.) I couldn't decide which of these two pictures I liked best so I posted them both. Also, I thought Lauren might want to see them.
Hands taste so good!
Daddy with Mama, Aunt Melody, and Aunt Lynn. Who I just noticed are in order from youngest to oldest. (Starting with my mama.)
Suzanne opening a sweater.
Nellie on her 1st Christmas.
Smoking her pork chomp! Haha, or at least that's what it looks like! She looooooves them.
Our 4th Christmas together, but FIRST Christmas together/married.
And this was about 9 o'clock on the 26th of December after 3 days of intense Christmas celebrating. Hence the worn out faces, gross hair, and happy smiles.

We also didn't forget the important reason we were able to celebrate this season. A tiny baby, wrapped in clothes, in a lowly manger. Destined to be King of Kings, our Savior, and deliverer. Each year Christmas means more and more to me and I care less about the gifts and more about the people around us. We are so blessed to have loving, caring families who love us so much! We love every single one of you!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Zach and Nathana


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