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Kitchen Remodel

I know we all love those crazy episodes of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition where Ty Pennington runs around with a megaphone and is hyper encouraging his crew.   They make building/remodeling a house look like such fun!  Right?  Well, let's just say that was not the case at our house during remodeling the kitchen! : )

Poor Zach had to spend all day Monday (July 23rd) working on the plumbing.  Our house has cast irons pipes.  I am convinced they must be an invention of the devil, because they are awful, just like him!  That pushed us back a whole day and sent us on our first of many trips to Lowe's, Menards, and Rural King!

Zach continued to work on plumbing Tuesday while I was working on other house things as Lizabeth helped me!  Zach's dad came over that night bringing cabinets from their house they remodeled in hopes that we could use them.  A long story shortened, only one was going to really work, so we sucked it up and went to Lowe's.  I was a little worried, because buying cabinets hadn't crossed our minds.  We get into the cabinet aisle and low and behold, there is a sign that says the cabinets we like are 20 percent off!  We were so excited!  We bought 3 and saved $80!  We get back to the house and continue to try to figure out plumbing. 

Wednesday we were ready to put us in at least the top cabinets!  I just wanted to see what we could get done!  Zach decided we needed another cabinet so we head back to Lowe's for the third or fourth time in 3 days. We get there and I am worried because I think the sale on the cabinets has ended and I really wanted to save that 20%!  I literally prayed as we walked in the door of Lowe's "Dear Lord, please give us a way to afford this cabinet if you can."  Well, they still had the signs for the sale up, so I mentioned it when the girl rang it up at the checkout and she called back to that department.  She then told us since they hadn't taken down the signs, they would honor the sale!  Thank you, Lord!  It made me instantly smile to know God is at work even in the small things. : )  We both left with huge smiles on our face.  Lowe's has always been great with customer service, which is why we keep coming back I guess!
Zach and his daddy (with a little help from me) were super productive and got in all the cabinets and the dishwasher (not hooked up to water, but hooked up to electricity!) once we got home.  I was so proud of them! 

We still didn't have the countertop, but were determined that we would be leaving for Nashville in the morning.  After the very stressful few days, we needed a get away. 

Thursday morning on our way to drop Nellie off, we stopped by a place that makes counter tops to order one.  Zach's dad was thinking they should be relatively cheap, so we weren't really expecting for a quote of $172 and some odd cents!  For a house that we aren't staying in long term, we're not really into spending that much!  We thanked them and went along our merry way to drop Nellie at my parents' house where her Aunt Suzanne took care of her for us!

Here are pictures of our kitchen progress! We did end up getting a countertop at Menards! (Lowe's was out of the one I liked, minus one damaged one that I was not going to take!) We ended up really liking the one at Menards and it was extremely budget friendly! The only thing that is needing to be done is the backsplash. We're open to ideas if ya'll have any!


                                             Gutted kitchen!  It was so weird to see it so empty!

                                (Minus backsplash that has yet to be determined!)


  All of our new cabinets and counter tops!  Don't worry, the fruit curtains are coming down! : )

In this last picture I tried to go without flash to capture the true color of the counter top.  It comes pretty close.  Also, you can see my holders I searched for at an antique shop in Evansville for at least an hour.  They are all neat individually and I think they look great holding all my utensils! (Which Zach noted that I have waaay too many of! Ha!)
If you've made through this incredibly long post, you're probably my Mama or Aunt Lynn, so thanks for reading! 

P.S.- I cleaned the counter off at 11:00 at night so I could get finished pictures tonight! I was determined! : )


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