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Weekly Wrap Up (August 12-18)

On Monday it was back to school!  We had our corporation wide meeting at Castle High School.  The speaker they had was inspirational and very funny, so it was a nice time.  Then us aides headed back to Loge to work the rest of our half day.  It was rainy and yucky, but I got to be home with Zach and Nellie by noon! : )  Then Zach took me to the Gerst Haus for lunch, which is always fun!  It is so neat inside!  That afternoon I made chocolate reese cup cupcakes with peanut butter icing for Suzanne's birthday. 

Zach had to do inventory at his work again this time, so starting Monday night he worked overnight from about 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.  : (  It was definitely not fun to be home alone, but I have to say I did very well!  I still had my sweet girl with me and she slept with me each night! : )  She knew she had to protect her Mama.  Perhaps that's why she jumped off the bed at 3:30 a.m. one of the mornings howling and nearly scared the pee out of me! Haha.  Thankfully we got back to sleep before it was time to really get up! 

On Tueday, I had two different meetings and a work day in my room. When Zach got home from his inventory at 6:30, I was still in bed. He came in after a few minutes, turned on the lights, and said I had better get up, because he had made me breakfast in bed. My sweet man had made french toast for me. It lifted my spirits considerably and set the tone for a great day. I love my sweet husband! It was also my little sister, Suzanne's, 20th birthday. That means my parents no longer have any teenagers! Haha, I bet they are enjoying that! So after school I came back home to clean like crazy because after eating at Olive Garden, everyone was coming to our house for cake and presents. I had already tidied up, but needed to clorox, vacuum, and dust! Since Zach had to do inventory, he was able to go to Olive Garden, but had to leave from there for work.

The skirt I made Suzanne.  It's a long story, but hopefully it works!!
 Nellie laying on Uncle Ross.  He says that he is her favorite person.  But as you'll remember, that is also what her Aunt Suzanne says! ; )
 Her "upcycled" birthday card! hehe
 Birthday girl and her Cold Stone Cake!
 Here is my first day of school picture!  We took a better one that morning, but it's on my phone.  I can say I was probably a little worn out here! ; )
Wednesday was the first day of school and I was very excited to see my kids and to wear my new dress!  They were all ready to be back and I realized how much I missed them!  Now to just get back into all the routines. (Mainly getting out of bed by 6:15!  Ahh!)

Saturday I went to a baby shower for a girl from church.  I made flannel burp cloths from a pattern I found on another blog.  I have made them several times and people seem to love them!  The picture shows the front and back.  I love the side with the blue, white, and brown dots.  Not to mention they are easy-peasy to sew and boost my sewing confidence!  : )

After the shower, we went squirrel hunting.  Or should I say, Zach did.  I was kind of tired, so I rolled down the window and maybe took a nap.  At least I heard each time he shot.  Sadly though, one of his squirrels got stuck in the fork of a tree, and he couldn't find the other one. 

That night I babysat my favorite kiddos, Ben, Becca, and Claire!  Ben just started kindergarten on Wednesday, so I was so anxious to hear how his week went.  It was awesome to hear that he loved it and had done great!  We all had a great time watching Tangled and playing Angry Birds on my iPod.  I definitely tuned into the Olympics after they fell asleep though!  That night Claire was so sweet and as I was putting her to bed, she hugged me and said, "Ms. Fana, you're the best, best, best, Ms. Fana EVER!"  Talk about melting my heart.  I love those kids!  So sweet!

That's just about it for the first week.  I'm surprised I can recall this much.  We did survive Zach doing inventory, and luckily, they got done in 3 nights instead of 4, so I was so happy!  A crazy, but wonderful week! 


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