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Weekly Wrap Up (August 19-25)

On Sunday, I went to church while Zach worked.  We had supper with his parents, sister, brother-in-law, and our niece and nephew that night.  Nellie has seen Isaiah (5 months old) and sniffed him before, but they've never been on the same level before.  Zach's mom was holding him playing on the floor with Aubrie and Nellie walked and just sniffed and sniffed.  He would stick his little hand in her fur and just grin.  She did try unsuccessfully to sneak in a lick or two, but did so well.  We've always know she was good with kids, but it was just so cute to see how she interacted with him!  She'll be such a good furry big sister some day!
Nellie is thinking, "That's one cute boy!"
Checking him out with her super-smeller! : )
Isaiah didn't know what she was, but he liked her fur!
Nana with all her grandkids, including Nellie! : )
Nellie also got to celebrate her birthday again with her Nana and Poppy that night.  She got some of her favorite treats and this cute sock monkey toy.  She doesn't get toys with squeakers very often and it was easy to tell she loved it!  She just squeaked it all night long.  Sadly, she doesn't understand to not bite too hard, so her teeth punctured it, but she is still playing with monkey!
This was the first full week of school!  Monday was Zach's first day back to school!  I think we're in for a great semester!  I am so proud of him!  Naturally, I was not allowed to take a back to school picture, even though I tried to explain, it was still necessary.  Oh well!

Tuesday we had breakfast for supper, which we hadn't done in forever.  I really wanted to eat the caramel cinnamon rolls I had bought though, so one thing led to another and we had those, bacon, and eggs over easy.  Yum!

Wednesday Zach came home from school with bad news.  Our computer that is just over a year old isn't new enough to run some of the programs for his classes.  I seriously said, "Is your teacher sure, like really sure, because if not, I will kick his butt."  We decided to not get one tonight, but went to target to look and I got some hair products to scrunch/curl/make my hair wavy.  I was seriously nervous it would look awful for school the next day, but I think it turned out cute!  Several parents told me it was too, so I guess that's confirmation! : )  We finished the day off with Zach mowing and me cleaning the washing machine with a tutorial from Pinterest.  It worked pretty well, but I can also just accept the fact that our washing machine isn't top of the line.  It was free though, so you can't beat that! 

This was my wavy hair the first attempt.  Not terrible, but now that I look back at it, I did a little better the next time! Practice makes perfect!
Thursday was long day as I helped in the book fair at our Meet the Teacher Night at school.  I think I was at school from 7:15 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.  It was a fun day though!  I warned our librarian who was running the book fair that I had never worked retail before and was very nervous.  Scholastic has cash registers they send that can take credit cards.  It turned out being pretty straight forward to run, but I am certain I was sweating at first.  It was good to see all the parents come through that I don't normally see though!  After I left school, I ran home to then rush over to Best Buy really quick to get Zach's new laptop.  We hurried in around 8:20 (They close at 9:00) but thankfully Zach researched and knew exactly what he wanted!  We grabbed the computer, Office 2010, and The Hunger Games! : )  When we got home, it was awesome to just lay in bed.  I slept so well that night!  I really wanted to watch The Hunger Games, but knew there was no way I needed or could stay up that late, so Zach said we could have movie night Friday!
                                                         Zach with the new computer! : )
Friday was a pretty good day and the 1st grade reading block teachers met for about 2 hours after school to discuss reading, so I am already building up the comp. time for my 6.5 days!  Also, it was good going into the weekend knowing what we'd be doing the next week!  When I got home we cooked a pizza and settled in to watch the movie.  It was just as good as in theaters, I just am always picky and wish they would have included more from the book, but I know that's hard!
                                                         Hehe, doesn't she look excited?
Saturday was Zach's Uncle Kevin's Birthday so we went up to Paris, Illinois to celebrate.  We took Nellie, so that was a first for her.  Her longest car ride!  It was about 2.5 hours, probably 3 total sinced we met Zach's family at McDonald's in Vincennes to eat breakfast.  Nellie did NOT like being left in the car while we ate.  Do not be concerned though, we were not abusing her!  It was 70 degrees out, the car was in full shade, the windows were down, we had water set out for her, and we sat by the window so I could watch her the whole time!  Plus,we were inside maybe 15 minutes.  Anyway, we finally got to his Uncle's house and Nellie starts running around in the car and I don't really know what caused it, but she peed on me a little.  I was not thrilled!  Zach of course laughed.  Poor girl needed to go!  Thankfully she got it all out when we got out of the car. 
My second attempt at curly/wavy hair.  It's so easy to do, so I think I really like it!
We got to meet Zach's cousins' dogs, who were both yellow labs who were sisters.  One was 9 months old from the older litter and the other was just 9 weeks old and from the newest litter.  They were so sweet.  Especially with the little one, my heart just melted.  I definitely have puppy fever.  She was soooooo sweet.  I could just kiss those little ears and paws all day.  They let the Rose, the older one retrieve out of the lake which was fun to watch.  The baby, Lulu, watched and got her little legs in the mud, so both pups got baths.  After her bath, Lulu was shivering, so I wrapped her up in a towel and held her and she just fell asleep.  She slept in my arms for about 1.5 hours.  I was in heaven!  Zach told me to not get any ideas!  He is absolutely right though as we do NOT have room for another dog right now and Nellie is a teensy bit possessive of us... Oh, and the fact that when she saw all the dogs there, she just wanted to back into the corner!  Poor thing just doesn't know what to do! As you can tell, all the 4 legged furries stole the show and got tons of attention.  We had great food and dessert and a great day.  The ride home went smoothly and Nellie slept because she was so exhausted! 

See the preciousness?  Gah, I could just squeeze her.  This is Lulu!  She is one cute girl.  I just could go on and on.  The whole ride home Zach would just smile and laugh when I talked about how much I was enamored with her.  He can tell I have the fever!!
 Someone else also wants a puppy!  : )  I whispered to her to go tell Uncle Zach, "You need a puppy for Nellie,"  but instead she looked at me and said, "You don't need another puppy!"  Haha, that backfired!
 The sweetness that is a puppy sleeping in your arms.  All I could think about was how Nellie was once smaller than that and I just wish sometimes we could keep her that small.  I was soooo happy!

Another busy, but wonderful week! I wouldn't trade our life for anything!


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