May not seem like much, but I loved it all the same. We went to see Catching Fire Saturday morning and I am still soaking up all its awesomeness. I honestly not expecting the sheer delight I experienced while watching it. They very nearly matched it to the book to a tee. (almost!) That make me so, so happy. I am a nerd, and it's okay. I also made everyone in the theater laugh out loud when I screamed during a certain monkey scene. Haha! I also jumped and according to Zach, dug my claws nails into his arm. There were so many intense, riveting scenes. I just loved it!!! Then the rest of the day I napped (I know this is sad!) and Zach went hunting. We ordered pizza and watched Here Comes the Boom! It is soo good, too! Sunday was an interesting day. We were leaving early for me to play hand bells at church. I was also going to be super sweet and pick-up doughnuts for everybody from Donut Bank....