I said the above in the voice of the Hump-day camel, just so you know! It's February and we are doing another No Spend Month in the Scheller household! Remember the rules? If not, go check out our experience from last year here. Now that you're reminded of our rules, let's hope I do better at documenting things this year. (And that we don't have to buy Zach a truck like we had to last year! Ha!)
One thing we are doing a little differently is that we are each allowing ourselves one lunch out a week since I go to lunch on Mondays with my friend, Elyse, and Zach goes out with some friends from school on Thursday. I'm betting that's only $10 combined, though, so I wouldn't say it will break the bank!
We are hoping to really save and be able to deposit a good chunk into the ol' savings account because we have some things on our house "to-do" list that are more pricey (Windows- I shudder to think!) and also some general things we want to do, like taking a weekend get-away trip soon!
So, that's our general plan! We are meal-planning again, because that makes it so much easier to me if I have everything for the week ready to use and in my kitchen than if I have to run to the store.
Saturday was broccoli-cheese pasta
Sunday was Tyson chicken strips and Cream cheese chili dip (Hey, it was the Super Bowl! Although, funny fact, we didn't watch ANY of it!)
Monday- Cheddar Broccoli soup with rice and italian chicken strips
Tuesday- Philly Cheesesteak Pasta bake
Wednesday- Broccoli Beef Braids
Thursday- Tacos
Friday- Salads!
Saturday- I will be babysitting, so I'll eat at their house, and poor Zach will be left on his own!
One thing we are doing a little differently is that we are each allowing ourselves one lunch out a week since I go to lunch on Mondays with my friend, Elyse, and Zach goes out with some friends from school on Thursday. I'm betting that's only $10 combined, though, so I wouldn't say it will break the bank!
We are hoping to really save and be able to deposit a good chunk into the ol' savings account because we have some things on our house "to-do" list that are more pricey (Windows- I shudder to think!) and also some general things we want to do, like taking a weekend get-away trip soon!
So, that's our general plan! We are meal-planning again, because that makes it so much easier to me if I have everything for the week ready to use and in my kitchen than if I have to run to the store.
Saturday was broccoli-cheese pasta
Sunday was Tyson chicken strips and Cream cheese chili dip (Hey, it was the Super Bowl! Although, funny fact, we didn't watch ANY of it!)
Monday- Cheddar Broccoli soup with rice and italian chicken strips
Tuesday- Philly Cheesesteak Pasta bake
Wednesday- Broccoli Beef Braids
Thursday- Tacos
Friday- Salads!
Saturday- I will be babysitting, so I'll eat at their house, and poor Zach will be left on his own!
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