So it seems my school corporation did everyone a big favor by letting us out early today. I left me school at 1:00 and was back by my house at 1:30. It ha barely started spitting snow, so I passed by the house for a quick Target run. I was inside for exactly 15 minutes and it was like a snow globe outside. My car was completely covered. I suck at driving in the snow, so I took it slow and got home just fine. Below is what my road looked like after 15 minutes! So Nellie and I have enjoyed an afternoon if dishes, laundry, and playing with my Cricut! Oh, and eating the brownies that I made! Yum!
For a while now, we've planned on finally finishing our family room. That's right, it's kind of been unfinished for the entire time we've lived there. It was painted and decorated, just no molding and the ceiling was hideous because we (and by we, I mean Zach) took down the drop ceiling the previous owners had put up. So, anyway, I looked at curtains and didn't really find anything I liked, so I decided I was going to make my own. Zach and I looked at Jo-Ann's a couple times and each time we looked I liked this fabric more and more. It was the most expensive fabric I've ever bought, but in the end, it was sooooo worth it! (*Note- I bought the fabric in January before NSM! : )) Here we are at Mama Joyce's one day after church cutting the panels. I think we were all nervous to cut it. It was too costly to mess up! Fast forward a couple weeks because I didn't have time, was lazy, and also scared to sew on it, and I finally just delved in an...
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