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Weekend Wrap-Up

I could have combined this w/ Spring Break, but that post was srrrriously long, so I'm being kind!

Saturday was another productive day, despite the yucky, drizzly day that awaited us.  We originally planned to get up early to go to yard sales, but when my alarm awoke me and I heard the rain, I turned that sucker off. We got up and tried to hit up Taco Bell's breakfast so Zach could try it, but they said it would be 8 mins. before anything would be ready.  Umm. No thanks.  This lady has places to go and moo-lah to spend.  So instead we had ever-delicious Chick-Fil-A biscuits.  Heaven on Earth...  We then both picked out some new kicks at Kohl's (which I may or not be getting for my b-day.  Time shall tell! ; ))  Then we meandered to downtown Newburgh in search of a picture frame for a project (to come later this week.  It's not groudbreaking, but it's mine!)  We also were browsing for some kind of cart/hutch to go under the TV now that Zach has it mounted on the wall, but to no avail.  We did end up oohing and ahhing at a couple china cabinets in a couple stores.  In fact, we went back and forth between the two a couple of times, especially once we called my mom to see if we could store it at their house until we have room/ move. (Let's pray for the latter, shall we? : ))  She said they would, so we marched back in again to compare and THEN decided on the one I like best.  Zach offered them a price, and they tried to contact the owners (It's a consignment store) and they couldn't get ahold of them.  The place is closed on Mondays, so hopefully he'll hear back tomorrow!  (But I won't know, because it also may or not be for my bday.  Time shall tell!)  After that, we tried to linger there in case we heard back, so we had lunch at Vecchio's Italian Market, which is a must if your are downtown!  Yum! After that, my sweet husband, took me home to get the Lowe's coupons that I forgot, and then back to Lowe's so I could pick out the paint I needed for said project and the hanging fixtures for the bathroom. (TP holder and towel bars.)

Next, we finally got home and Zach happily watched, laughed, and goaded me while I put up two of the holders.  He had the best time using the same phrases and expressions that he says I do while he does projects.  He also proclaimed he thinks I was just pretending I didn't know how to do things the past 7 years so that he'd do them for me!  Hmm, he may have my number on that one!  ; )  I have to say, I've never been prouder of a hand towel and TP holder as those!
Ignore the still-ugly electrical cover!
See the beautifulness?  

We also started my project that I will show you soon!  I was feeling quite crafty!  I am writing this post a week later, and I can't remember what we did Sat. night.  Just a reminder I need to blog sooner! Gahh!

 On Sunday, we went to Sunday school and church, to Mama Joyce's for lunch and then came home.  Zach was going to run the cable for the TV under the house and while doing so, discovered that the pipe coming from the shower had come apart.  (Sucked sooooooo bad!)  Luckily, his parents had a pump, and they brought it to us so we could get the water out.  Nellie though that water smelled good apparently, because the little stinker rolled and rolled in it when we weren't looking. : /  She then received her second bath in 5 days... she wasn't thrilled, but then again, neither was I!!!

That night I finally assembled the table my mom got us for our deck.  It was super easy to put together, and looks pretty cute.  We then grilled for the first time this year!!  BBQ pork chops (I can not do regular pork chops) and green beans.  

The Grill master!
That closed out my spring break, and I have to say I wasn't ready to go back to work, but I was ready to see my kids!


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