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Bumpdate: Week 25

How Far along: 25 weeks

Baby's size: Cauliflower (You won't catch this Mama or Daddy eating that!)

Weight loss/gain: up 5 lbs total.

Sleep: I'm doing a little better at getting back to sleep after my nightly bathroom break.

Gender: B-O-Y

Movement:  Moving a fair bit. I read something that said these next 3 weeks are supposed to be the most active of all.

Best Moment of this week: When Zach felt him 10 times in a row the other night. He was going crazy and Zach felt it all! Watching Zach feel him makes my heart about burst and I know I grin like a fool. Aunt Suzanne felt him on Sunday after trying for about 10 seconds. Zach said it wasn't fair because he always has to wait! Haha! Also looking at a house! More to come on that hopefully!

Looking Forward:  Celebrating Valentine's Day on Saturday! We are going to a fancy dinner since it's our last Valentine's Day before Shim gets here!

Food cravings: Reese's And Valentine's Day cakes (the little Debbie ones!) really need to slow down my sweet tooth! Luckily I ran out of both things, and just haven't bought any more!

Weirdest Food I ate last week: it wasn't weird, but I always order the exact same thing at Texas Roadhouse and this past week I ordered a different main dish for the first time ever. Pretty major and pretty out of character for me. It may or may not have been because Zach said I wouldn't try anything new! Haha (but really, I did want to try something else!)

Anything making you feel sick or queasy: Nope! Thank goodness! : )

Symptoms: I have about 2 new stretch marks on my belly. : ( I'm going to start making Zach work overtime on running on the belly butter!  A good symptom I've been meaning to mention is that my hair stays cleaner longer.  I can wash it every 2 days instead of of every day, which is what I've had to do since I was like 12.  It's an awesome perk not to be a grease pit! : )

Workouts: Does work count as a workout? I stand and walk around for 8 hours!  If it's not, it's starting to feel like one!

What I miss: Just sleeping a full night peacefully without having to wake up to go to the bathroom! That would be so amazing! I taper off my fluid intake at night, and still can't make it through the night!

Things that stink: Waking up early all the time! It's wearing me out! (Ditto this For the 3rd week and counting.  It just gets harder and harder to make myself get out of bed each morning.  I seriously need spring break, but sadly it's waaaaay too soon to start counting down to that yet!)

Things that don't stink: looking at houses and feeling Shim moving around. Also knowing he's getting bigger all the time.  And he probably has hair! I wonder what color it is!!! (Hoping he's a blonde like his Mama and Daddy!)

Mama's Thoughts: I have to say my countdowns have begun. I actually created countdowns on an app for when my maternity leave starts, both our birthdays, and Shim's due date!

Daddy's Thoughts: Zach loves feeling him whenever he can.  I was also telling him about how baby was probably between 1.5-2.5 lbs and Zach laughed and said, "He's probably bigger than that already!" He has high hopes this baby will be big just like he was!

Baby: He is hanging out just like he should. I really wish I knew which way he was positioned, but can't tell!  Next dr. appointment is Monday and I'll get the orders for my glucose tolerance test. Hope shim likes the Orange drink everybody talks about!


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