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Bumpdate: Week 27

I think the correct phrase is that he "popped out"this week.... Evidence #1

Evidence #2
How Far along: 27 week- Hello, Third Trimester!!!  The silly baby apps on my phone say it's not until week 28, but if you divide 40 weeks by 3, you get 13 weeks 3 days, which makes this week third trimester! : ) 

Baby's size: A rutabaga... AKA, something neither of us have ever had, and nothing we want to try! 

Weight loss/gain: up 5 lbs total still.

Sleep: Still getting up at least once a night, every now and then it is twice.  I sleep awesomely until about 2-4 a.m. and then toss and turn until time to get up. A little tiring!

Gender: B-O-Y

Movement:  Moving around a lot!  Zach is getting to feel him almost every day.  He seems to move most in the morning when we're laying in bed and in the evening when we lay down. 

Best Moment of this week:  Our Valentine's day was very good and we had an awesome supper.  We didn't do a whole lot else, but it was just so sweet to spend the day and evening together!
 4 snow days this week!  Nellie and I have been loving our quality time in our jammies and sweats this week!  It was also so amazing to wake up so early each day and then be able to go back to sleep.  On Monday, I was up from 5:30 am onward, but Tues-Thurs. I was able to sleep until between 7:30-8:30.  It was awesome!
Also got to hear BBS's (baby boy scheller) heartbeat at the Dr.

Looking Forward: The weekend!  Thankfully the 5 hrs and 45 minutes that I worked this week went by fast, and now I'm ready to get some things accomplished at home.  I also want to start searching for bedroom suites! 

Food cravings: No cravings really.  It is getting harder to eat a full meal.  I can see where more small meals are a  better idea, but that's kind of unrealistic to fit into my work schedule!

Weirdest Food I ate last week: Nothing

Anything making you feel sick or queasy: Nope! Thank goodness! : )

Symptoms: A bigger bump that is undeniable!  I think it is so funny how the kids at school are reacting to it getting bigger!

Dr. Appt:  I had a Dr. appt. for Monday, but school was closed, I was stuck at home, and then the Dr. ended up being closed that day due to the weather.  So we rescheduled for Wednesday morning and hoped that school would still be out so I wouldn't have to take time off, but good enough that I could make it there.  We got more snow Tuesday night into Wednesday morning, so there was no way my car could make it.  My Daddy ended up coming over and picking me up and delivering me to the Dr!!  He would do anything for me!! : )

So, the actual appt was an overall drag, but I was so excited to see the PA that day since she was helping out my Dr.  I love her and she is so sweet.  They were worried about my top number on my blood pressure being high, but mine is usually awesome, so they figured it was probably due to running around that morning and getting around in the snow.  I had a little protein in my urine, though, so they ordered me to collect my urine for 24 hours and then take it to the lab.  They felt like it was probably nothing, but wanted to be sure.  She checked my feet and ankles for swelling, but they were totally normal, too. I understood need to test my urine of course, but didn't look forward to it.  Luckily, they also gave me my lab orders for my glucose tolerance test, so at least I got to kill 2 birds with one stone!

Thursday I turned in my urine and did my glucose test and passed it.  My urine also came back fine.  I hadn't liked that the Dr. wouldn't call unless something was wrong, so I called them and asked them to call me regardless.  I couldn't take not knowing when they would call and decided I wanted to hear from them so I wouldn't have to worry.  It was so funny, because they called to just let me know it would probably be Friday before they got the results back, and then they called back 5 minutes later to tell me I passed and everything was good.  So I got the results back about 5 hours after the test!  Pretty awesome!!

Workouts: Does work count as a workout? I stand and walk around for 8 hours!  If it's not, it's starting to feel like one!

What I miss: With all the snow, I really wanted a white chocolate mocha, but settled for a hot chocolate.  I really don't miss much, though.  I have no reason to complain!

Things that stink: Nothing much right now.   The past two weeks have gone by so quickly!

Things that don't stink: The beautiful snow and lots of sleep.  Also hearing a good heartbeat that was around 154! 

Mama's Thoughts: I feel so much bigger this week!  I'm not sure why, but I do.  I keep trying to imagine what it will be like when he is here: What a great team Zach and I will be, what our families will think of him, and maybe most importantly, how much Nellie will love him/ how she will react. 

Daddy's Thoughts: I told Zach that the average weight for this week was around 2 lbs, but possibly up to 2.5.  He laughed and then said, "Well, goodness.  He's at least got to be 4 by now, then!" Haha, keep dreaming, honey!

Baby: Moving around, especially when Mama is sitting still.  Pretty active this week!


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