And I'm definitely not! So the story goes.... In November and May I have to take my engagement ring in to the jewelry store to get it inspected and cleaned to uphold the lifetime warranty that Zach purchased for it. I knew the time was coming up and started searching our house for it. No ring papers. It's only the beginning of November, so I don't worry too much, knowing they'll turn up soon. I knew since we had moved into our house I had seen them in a box. Jump to 3 days ago. Oh no, the month is almost over and I STILL haven't found the stupid papers. Then we come to present day with Zach and I frantically searching the house for them. They are NOWHERE. We turned this house upside down searching for them. I am almost 90% sure they are here somewhere, but to keep my warranty I had to take the ring in by November 30th. (Tomorrow!) So, my wonderful, wonderful, wonderful husband calls Roger's and tells them our ( ok, MY) situation. Since he keeps all...