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Thankful on Thursday (with more than ten on Thursday!)

1. I am so thankful for my Lord and Savior! He knows me better than I can even understand and he knows my deepest needs and desires. He also grants each and every one. Zach and I are trying to be diligent in studying our bible together and are seeing the beauty of having God at the center of our marriage!

2. I am thankful for this guy!
I am so lucky to have found the man that God had set aside just for me! I am thankful that Zach is working hard so that I can focus on school and not have to work too much. I am thankful that he is the leader of our house and always knows the right thing to say to calm me down or make me feel better. He makes me feel beautiful whether I am all dressed up or if I am just lounging around in my pajamas. He reaffirms for me everyday the reason that I married him by his loving, relaxed, and happy personality. We make a great team and with God as our coach, we're unstoppable! (And trust me, we have almost been married 5 months and we've already had plenty trials with finances, house troubles, truck troubles, the list could go on and on! : ) ) My husband is my best friend, my confidant, and my pick-me-up on a gloomy day! I love you sweetheart, and so look forward to all of the other Thanksgivings that we will share together!

3. I am thankful for my marriage. God's work with the entire universe is amazing, but marriage is by far one of his most magnificent creations. I love having a person that I can depend on and support. Much like my God, Zach loves me unconditionally whether I am sweet, nice, mean, sad, angry, or silly. I love being his wife and knowing that our marriage is something that is going to be challenging at times, joyful, busy, exciting, full of love, and one day, children. I want our children to see our marriage as something they can attain one day. I know it is not perfect, and we are just beginning, but I can't wait to see what comes next!

4. I am thankful for my Mama. She kissed all of my (many) boo-boos over the years and brought me popsicles in the middle of the night when I was sick. She showed me what it meant to be a wife and mother and there is no better example to follow. I hope I can be half as successful in my career and motherhood as she was and is.

5. I am thankful for my Daddy. Notice, the use of "Daddy." He never will be "Dad," "Father," or anything other than my Daddy. I have been a Daddy's girl for a lot of my life and never even minded when people said I looked like him. He took me hunting knowing that I could very well (and did) talk, sniffle, or sneeze so much that we might not see one deer. It was bonding time, and we did in fact, see several deer each time, and I have killed all but one of my deer with him by my side.

6. I am thankful for my little sister. We shared a room for 13 years and didn't quite kill each other, so that's saying something. She is gorgeous, smart, and tall, so she's the whole package. She's in her first year of college and finding out how much fun the real world is!
7. I am thankful for my in-laws. I seriously couldn't ask for a better mother and father in law. The love they have for their son is so strong and I know they would and will do anything for us. They raised him beautifully and made him a strong, independent man. They even figured out long ago that I am not shy or timid! : )

8. I am thankful for our house. We have made so many improvements to our little house already and are still working on making it a home. It's just the right size for us and I am so thankful we were able to get a house instead of starting out in an apartment.
9. I am thankful for our little Nellie-girl! She is such a joy to us! It is so good to come home to her little wagging tail when I walk through the door. She is also so smart and is learning lots of new tricks every day!

10. I am thankful for our precious niece, Aubrie! I have known her since she was 5 months old and since she has been able to talk I have been "Aunt Fana." She is so sweet and brings so much joy and laughter to our lives!

11. I am thankful for my car. It is getting older, but still hanging in there!

12. I am thankful that I have only 1 more semester before I graduate!

13. I am thankful for ALL of my friends and family who support Zach and I! We know we can call on you if need be and you'll be there to help us out in any way you can!

We hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving! Don't eat too much pie!


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