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Ten on Thursday

Wow, this week has been a blur! 1. My first field trip with my 3rd graders was yesterday. We went Ag day out at the 4-H fair grounds. The kids got to see all kinds of farm animals and tasted things like fruits, vegetables, cheese, and fresh-churned butter. They seemed to really enjoy it! They even had enough energy for an outdoor recess when we got back to school. Mrs. Daub and I were exhausted, though! 2. My birthday is now 2 days away. I can't believe it. Seriously, how can I be almost 22? I know it will be a fun day though, and I am eager to see what Zach got me! 3. Our lap tops from college are ka-put, so last night we bought a new one. It's an hp something-or-other and we really like it! 4. Zach goes next week to register for classes at USI! (So glad I don't have to this time!) 5. One month from tomorrow, I will graduate from college! It is so crazy that it has been 4 years. I can definitely look back and say college went by much faster than high school! (Thank you, Lord, for that!) 6. Zach and I finished our puzzle! Maybe I already said that, but I didn't tell you we went ahead and decopaged it too! It looks great, and now we are looking for a frame that is big enough for it! 7. We ordered some larger wedding photos along with pictures for Mama and Mama Joyce this week. I was ecstatic because Shutterfly was running a promotion for 50% off prints 8''x10'' up to 20"x 30." Our order also qualified for free shipping, so we saved $41.00! I was even more excited about that. The 4"x6"s, 5"x7", and 8"x10" should be here tomorrow, and I can't wait to see them. We also got a 20"x30" of us, and I am dying to see that one too, but the larger pictures are being shipped by a different company! 8. Zach is literally counting down the months until deer season. Prime Example: We lay down in bed and Zach says, "Hey, guess what?" Me:"I don't know. So many days till my birthday?" Zach: "No, only 5 more months until deer season!" Then he squeals in the manliest way he knows how! Ha, you think I kid, but just ask him and see if you don't ellict the same response! 9. Nellie's incisions are healing perfectly and her poor hack job of a fur trim on her belly is beginning to grow back. We go to the vet next Wednesday to get her next round of vaccines! 10. I am so ready for swimming and sun in Florida, it is unreal! Come on, July, hurry it up! I hope ya'll are having a great week! Just remember, it's almost Friday! : )


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