Day 15 of Blogtember: A life lately post. This couldn't have come at a better time, since I need to get caught up on our everyday happenings. We have been having busy weekends! The weekend of the 14th, Zach went duck hunting in the morning, we worked on the bathroom yet again, and then went deer hunting that evening. On Sunday, we went to church and lunch with his parents' for his Mom's birthday. We ate at Bandana's BBQ for the first time and it was pretty good. That evening we all met together at Olive Garden to celebrate.
This past weekend I went to my cousin's bridal shower and then to Zach's family reunion the rest of the day. It was so, so good to get home that night and crash in our bed. It was a long day!
I think we are booked with something every weekend until November. I love squeezing every bit of fun into our weekends, but at the same time, I would love to have a weekend where it is just Zach and I could do nothing! In a perfect world, right?
The weeks at school have been going by super fast. I started the Strengthening Families program at my school last week. We meet on for 2 hours in the evening once a week and it went so well last week. We feed the families supper and work on skills to make their family stronger. One week down, with nine to go, but I am betting I will miss it when it's over. The day of the program though is so long, I am at school around 13 hours!
Zach has gotten back in to the swing of things in his school and I think his semester is off to a great start! This time next year he will be getting ready to graduate! So surreal, but we are so ready. I couldn't be prouder of him!
I have been a terrible housekeeper lately. Our kitchen table is covered in stuff, clean clothes are piled in our room waiting to be put away, and all the crap from remodeling the bathroom has displaced things all over the house. I intend to work on it a little each day, but I get overwhelmed! Let's hope I get the courage to get underway with that soon!
Hunting with my sweetie! |
Daddy let her lick out his empty Blizzard cup! Her tongue was able to reach the bottom! |
At my cousin's shower! Did I mention I got glasses? I did! The second week of school! I can't believe I left that out! |
At the family reunion! We're a mess! |
The Wabash river at sunset. |
Nellie with her Uncle Ross. She always acts ridiculous around him and it is hilarious! |
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