8. I am afraid of the things in the dark. Not scared of the dark, as Zach would like to think, but just the stuff in it!
7. I fear/dislike change. i.e.- I get upset when restaraunts change out food items I like and mix it all up. I don't mind the good change, but the bad change is not as fun!
6. I fear being alone. When I am home alone, Nellie and I are always basket cases. It scares me, even though nothing has ever happened.
5. I fear losing my family. Even though I know memebers of my family are going to heaven when they die, I still don't like the idea of not having them here with me. Very selfish, I know, but that's human!!
4. I fear spiders. I would rather face about 5 poisonous snakes.
3. I also fear ticks. It is ridiculous how I act when I see them, but they just freak me out so badly!
2. I fear the robot type people that are at some museums that talk and move. They are creepy.
1. I don't like (but at not necessarily fearful of) driving by myself at night to places.
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