One of my friends is doing this challenge, so I am taking it up too! It will mix things up a little bit!
Secrets, Secrets, Secrets....
1. I still sleep with a teddy bear. Zach persistently asks when I am going to give it up and my response is always, "When we have children... maybe." Hehe
2. I tri-fold my unmentionables (underwears!). Like fold one side in, then the other, and then under. Zach thinks it is ridiculous.
3. I am constantly discussing things with myself in my head. Not crazy talk, but more like J.D. off of Scrubs. Hence how I end up day dreaming often.
4. Even though I am an aide this school year, I am still shakin' in my boots a little. Especially about bus duty. I really don't want to get run over in the prime of my life.
5. I eat food in sequence of what I like least to what I like most. I also eat only one type of food at a time. i.e.- eat all green beans, move on to roll which I eat all of, and then eat all of lasagna. My foods are also banned from making contact on plate, except for secret number 6....
6. I have two slightly weird food tendencies. I like corn mixed with macaroni and cheese and I like grape jelly with biscuits and gravy.
7. I love all the songs that play on K-love and in my wildest dreams, I think about actually singing them at church for a special music performance, but then Zach reminds me that I am the only one who enjoys my singing! (He was kidding! I think...)
8. When I am home alone, which is not too often, I constantly go around the house checking on everything, and I keep almost every light on. Maybe that is where Nellie gets her nervous tendencies!
9. I often run the cart into the door at Aldi's, which provides at least 2 minutes of laugh time for my sweet hubby. Especially when I do it on the way out too!
10. I hate to take showers. Now, don't interpret that as I don't take showers. I do in fact bathe daily, but I do not understand people that find such relaxation and enjoyment from a shower. To me it is wash body, scrub face, wash hair, shave if absolutely necessary, and get the heck out! I would rather just lay down for relaxation.
So if you still like me after all these secrets, come back for my loves tomorrow! : )

1. I still sleep with a teddy bear. Zach persistently asks when I am going to give it up and my response is always, "When we have children... maybe." Hehe
2. I tri-fold my unmentionables (underwears!). Like fold one side in, then the other, and then under. Zach thinks it is ridiculous.
3. I am constantly discussing things with myself in my head. Not crazy talk, but more like J.D. off of Scrubs. Hence how I end up day dreaming often.
4. Even though I am an aide this school year, I am still shakin' in my boots a little. Especially about bus duty. I really don't want to get run over in the prime of my life.
5. I eat food in sequence of what I like least to what I like most. I also eat only one type of food at a time. i.e.- eat all green beans, move on to roll which I eat all of, and then eat all of lasagna. My foods are also banned from making contact on plate, except for secret number 6....
6. I have two slightly weird food tendencies. I like corn mixed with macaroni and cheese and I like grape jelly with biscuits and gravy.
7. I love all the songs that play on K-love and in my wildest dreams, I think about actually singing them at church for a special music performance, but then Zach reminds me that I am the only one who enjoys my singing! (He was kidding! I think...)
8. When I am home alone, which is not too often, I constantly go around the house checking on everything, and I keep almost every light on. Maybe that is where Nellie gets her nervous tendencies!
9. I often run the cart into the door at Aldi's, which provides at least 2 minutes of laugh time for my sweet hubby. Especially when I do it on the way out too!
10. I hate to take showers. Now, don't interpret that as I don't take showers. I do in fact bathe daily, but I do not understand people that find such relaxation and enjoyment from a shower. To me it is wash body, scrub face, wash hair, shave if absolutely necessary, and get the heck out! I would rather just lay down for relaxation.
So if you still like me after all these secrets, come back for my loves tomorrow! : )
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