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10 Day You Challenge

*Okay, so after my fear post yesterday, last night there was a tick on my upper thigh when we got home from Target! It was a tee-ninsy deer tick and I flipped. Thank goodness it was crawling and not bitten in! Moving on...

7 wants! Woo hoo! How can I pick just seven? Or how can I come up with seven? I have so much already!

1. I want in the next few years to build my idyllic "forever" house. It is much like the home in "The Notebook" in my head, but with tall, wide windows in the front. It would have wrap around porches on both levels, would be either white or brick, would have 10 or 12 feet ceilings, with a couple secret passages/rooms. Not too much right? I'm already making my own rough blue prints! : )

2. I want children. Obviously not too soon, but maybe in the next few years. It is so exciting to think about, and with friends starting to have babies, we can't help but talk about it! Now if you want specifics, I'd like 2 boys and 2 girls. Doesn't matter what order they're in, but I need a couple years in between each. Zach on the other hand will tell you no more than three, and hopefully more boys than girls! Haha, it's
a good thing that God is the dealer of those cards and we'll just take them as they come. Any will be a huge blessing!

3. I want a teaching position in a classroom! Of course I am thrilled to get to be an aide this year, but this want is for next year!

4. I want a dishwasher! Hehe, if you have been to our house you know how we struggle with dishes. I tell Zach if we had one that I would never complain about unloading the dishwasher if only I had one!

5. I want the perfect wardrobe for a teacher. I have a lot of things, but I would love to just have a blank check and not worry at all about the cost of what I am buying!

6. I want to be able to lose a certain amount of weight this year/ school semester.

7. I want a Cricut machine! It would be an awesome addition to my classroom and would make designing things so much easier!

Oh, and Zach said that I had to add that I wanted a Ford Edge... And he's right! (it's a "long time away" want.)


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