Today is day 7, so it is time for four books. You should know this is nearly impossible for me to just pick four books, so I may cheat and list some series.
4. Little House in the Big Woods along with every other Laura Ingalls Wilder book. I have always loved reading, but when I first read this book in the 4th grade I fell in love with reading. I also felt I was born in the wrong time period and would be better suited as a pioneer. I eventually come back to reality though and remember all the nice things we have now, and will have to settle with that!
3. Harry Potter. The release of all seven books spanned over half of my life at this point, and I just love the magical world you get to enter when reading them. My next goal is to get to go the Wizarding World of Harry Potter! (if only!)
2. The Holy Bible. Although I won't lie and say I understand everything I read in the bible all the time, I enjoy studying God's word and trying to figure out how he's using it in my life.
1. Pride and Prejudice along with every other romance (not the trashy ones though) known to man kind! Even when I was younger I loved to read about everybody elses romances and now that I'm married, I still enjoy them. Personally, I think our love story and marriage rival Darcy and Elizabeth's! (Except for Zach would never wear the clothes Mr. Darcy wore!) ; )
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