1. Well, the last week has been anything but boring! Last week was the first full week of school and I didn't even get hit by any cars on bus duty! That's a win/win situation! In all seriousness, I am having a great time getting settled in and getting lesson plans established for my first and second graders' reading blocks. I start with them next week.
2. Nellie has one obsession. Ice, Ice, Baby. The puppy girl will do anything for ice. She just loves it. So therefore, I love to watch her eat it. It's just too fun!
3. Today is Zach's first day back to school! I told one of the other teachers at school I was like a nervous Mama, wondering if he had gotten up on time, what he was wearing, and how his day was going. He will hate reading that! (That is if he ever reads this!)
4. Poor hubs had to go straight to work after school and will be there until 8:30 or so. I plan to have supper waiting when he gets home, though. Poor boy is gonna be tired and hungry!
5. I have been working out almost every day on my elliptical, and I already feel better. I also think I have lost some weight, but our scales are some that Grandma Scheller had, so I'm not sure how accurate they are. When I check on another pair, I will update for sure! (As long as it agrees with me! : ))
6. On Friday, Kayleigh and Ryan came over and I made Chicken Fettucine Alfredo. Zach got to make himself eggs and toast when he came home!!
7. Saturday morning we headed to Mama and Daddy's house with Nellie. They kept her while Zach and I went squirrel hunting. Zach shot one squirrel and I freaked out about all the deer ticks on me. I survived though, and it was just a little fun killing the ticks with my fingernails.
8. Saturday night we went to Zach's sister's house for supper. Aubrie was enjoying showing me their pear tree and riding her bike!
9. Zach is having surgery this Thursday to remove the lipoma (sp?) from his right under arm. We are so thankful for him to finally be having the surgery, but are still a little nervous. Please pray for us when you think of it on Thursday! We know we will feel your prayers. I will update on him as soon as he (hopefully) conks out when we get home. We hope it is not a repeat of when he had his wisdom teeth out. (He was crazy hyper, loud, and non-compliant! haha)
That's about it for this week! I don't know how consistent I will be on my Ten on Thursdays, so I may have to be innovative with my alliterations on other days! We will see, however! I leave you with a picture of our sweet girl! She was enjoying a little chew on the pumpkin juice her Aunt Suzanne had brought Mama and Daddy from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter! (We had already drank it all.) 
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