Today is Day 5, so it is time for 5 foods!

5. Lasagna. It is my (and Garfield's) favorite food ever. I would eat it every place that Sam I am would eat Green Eggs and Ham.
4. Chicken. Fried, grilled, broiled, baked, fileted. However it's prepared, I'll eat it. My Mama jokes that we'll all turn into chickens because we eat it so often! Especially from Chick-fil-a.
3. Brownies with ice cream on top. The brownies also have chocolate chips in them. Yuuuuuum!
2. Cherry Delight. I had never had this delectable dessert until I started dating Zach and his Mom made it. It is soooo good. I will usually even choose it before brownies!!
1. Deer. We use it any recipies that call for ground beef and have recipies just for it. Deer stroganoff, "deery" mac (as we've coined it), deer burgers. You name it, and we probably use deer in it. Deer is so lean, when it is processed they actually have to add fat to it to help it hold together when cooked into patties and such. We always drain the fat thought when making "deer-ghetti" (like that one?) and all the others. Zach is already planning our hunting season for this year! : ) That's my husband!
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