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Showing posts from May, 2011

Once upon a time...

There was a little puppy girl named Nellie. And when she was good, she was very, very good. See what I mean? But when she was bad, she was horrid . Exhibits A, B, and C. I should have known she would pull this crap after Daddy leaves the coop for work. Oh Nellie girl, you really ought to think more before you take action... If you look closely, in the grass lie the little mesh bags that held the clumps of dirt. Apparently Nellie found them tasty. This was after our Come to Jesus talk. Can't wait to have those with real children (not!). I think she was actually begging the Lord for forgiveness as she sat in her kennel. Pitiful, right? This is after I tried to reassemble the plants she ripped, dragged, and tore apart. Zach planted all of these for our garden. Nellie should be quite glad that her Daddy is at work and was not the one to catch her doing this. I have a feeling that she will still get punished by him when he gets home!

Ten on Thursday

1. We have had a very busy week! I have not had a "do nothing" day so far! 2. Nellie has been difficult lately! I told Mama today that if dogs have terrible twos, she is definitely in them! Hopefully things get better soon. The worst is her whininess in the mornings and her not always listening! Sounds like a puppy, right?! 3. Last Saturday Suzanne and I went shopping for clothes for me to wear when I teach. We got GREAT deals at New York and Company! I got 3 dresses, 2 skirts, and 1 top. Suzanne also got a dress. It was a very successful shopping trip! 4. On Sunday, Zach accidentally left his phone at Mama Joyce's, so we drove back to the north side of Henderson after just leaving it! Haha, isn't that just how it goes sometimes? 5. Monday was a day full of cleaning and washing clothes! The cycle never ends! Suzanne and I also made a special trip to Target to get the 3rd season of The Office since it was on sale! 6. On Tuesday, Mama, Mama Joyce, Suzanne,...

Happy Birthday, Zach!

Tomorrow is my dear husband's birthday! He will be 22! I feel so blessed to be able to call him my husband for this first birthday that we are married. Zach is the best husband I could have ever dreamed or prayed for. I thank the Lord for him and pray that He grants us many, many more happy birthdays together! I love you so very, very much, sweetheart! Love your adoring wifey, : ) Nathana

Ten on Thursday x2

Wow, I wish I had a really good excuse for missing two Ten on Thursdays. I had to wash my hair? Well for the one that should have been on May 5: 1. Our Nellie Girl turned 9 months old on May 4th! 2. I enjoyed my last week with my class so much! They were little angels! (Ha ha!) 3. I turned my last review paper in to my University Supervisor ever! Woo hoo! 4. Zach and I got to enjoy Aubrie's Birthday party! I lied though, as I did forget my camera! I got some pictures on my Ipod touch, but I haven't figured how to upload them to Blogger yet. though! 5. I finally picked up my honors chords for graduation. At least I wasn't too late! 6. We also brought home my big book shelf from Mama and Daddy's! Now they want the rest of my stuff out. I know Zach will want to have a yard sale when that happens! 7. Since it is my last week student teaching, I got to observe a fourth and fifth grade classroom. It was definitely an eye opener since I haven't done any work with students ...