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Nellie's surgery- part 1

Nellie went back to the Dr. June 3, and when we got there, Dr. Hodshon told us she wanted to wait one more day before doing surgery, since she would would have a little more time the next day and could start earlier.  For 1/2 a second I thought they were asking us to take her home again, but the Dr. quickly told us that they would keep her overnight for free, which helped me feel some better, but of course, I didn't want her to have to be away from us any longer than she had to.  The Dr. also eased my mind by saying they would call me with every step they did in the morning and keep me updated.  So I said my goodbye to Nellie and tried my very best to be brave for her.  I only cried a little as I stroked her little ears and gave her kisses.  Leaving her there knowing she was in pain and probably scared (remember, she's a chicken) just tore my heart apart.  They reassured me she would be getting and I.V. started as soon as she got back in the ICU area and that would keep her pretty drugged.  I did feel better after knowing that hopefully that would be the last time she was feeling pain from her neck!!

Mama and I shopped at the mall some since we were already in Louisville and had already planned on being there all day for Nellie's surgery.  We got Cheesecake from the Cheesecake factory and ate it with our lunch at Chick-fil-a!
The night before we left.  She was practicing her ASPCA face here.

In the car.
 I was so happy when we woke up Tuesday morning and she was feeling good.  She had a terrible day Monday pain-wise, so I had specifically prayed she would feel good in the morning.  God sure did answer my prayers, as she had an excellent and snuggley ride there.  I couldn't thank God enough for that gift alone!
I just loved her little face.  Her lip was curled up and it was just so funny!
The aforementioned Cheesecake at Chick-fil-a! Yum!
 I came home to an empty house, which was a bit depressing, but thankfully the vet called that night and told us that Nellie was adorable (as we already knew) and was tucked in for the night and was veeeerrry comfortable.  Now that I'm thinking back, her exact words were, "She's watching the pink elephants fly!"  Sweet Nellie was drugged up! 


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