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Bumpdate: Week 21

How Far along: 21 weeks

Baby's size: Pomegranate

Weight loss/gain: Haven't gained any since last week.

Sleep: It was good, and then back to school sleep is crappy again. : ( 

Gender: B-O-Y! Still getting used to that still.  So unbelievable to know he is a he!

Movement:  Feeling him even more this week!  Movements are a little stronger, and felt him from the outside for the first time this morning.  He must have been rolling or something, because I didn't feel anything like this the rest of the week.

Best Moment of this week: The weekend after a long week back.  I wore maternity pants for the first time this week and they felt pretty good!

Looking Forward: Still longing for that 3 day weekend!  Time with my hubby this weekend since we don't have anything on the books.

Food cravings: Not really.

Weirdest Food I ate last week: Not a thing. I've never been a big enthusiast on trying weird things, and don't plan on starting now!

Anything making you feel sick or queasy: Nope!

Symptoms: Not much this week.

Workouts: Non-existent.  I am so not proud of this.

What I miss: Not much of anything.

Things that stink: Being back at school.  Is that bad?  Oh well, at least I'm being honest!

Things that don't stink: 21 weeks down, and around 19 to go.  I feel like we're on the downward slide, even though I know it's going to be anything but.  We also have started to talk about what all we need to do to get ready for baby boy, which is overwhelming, but fun to think about.

Mama's Thoughts: I really hope the rest of the school year goes by quickly, but at the same time don't want to wish it away, as the end of the school year also brings... baby!

Daddy's Thoughts: Zach is really hoping to feel baby soon, especially after me being able to!  He is also like me in the fact that it is so weird to say, '''Our son."

Baby: He is doing good, moving around in the mornings, middle of the day, and evenings.  I think he's pretty snug in there, and better stay in there for at least 18 more weeks! 


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